Date: 8/8/2018
By Shonna
I was in a house talking to a really tall guy who was looking down at me. he was sharing a story about his love interest, while I couldn't see hardly anything. My glasses were broke. I could see a small screw and tried to screw it back in, but the plastic was stripped. I had to find a new pair. there were boxes all over the house with things packed away in them. My ex boyfriend like to clean stuff up my packing it in boxes so our company couldn't see it. I searched in closets and rooms. I stood in a really small closet reaching for boxes very high above my head. I found a box of Barbies and I found gift bags with nothing in them. when I crawled out of the attic and walk through the rest of the house I realized it turned into a nursing home. I never saw any old people I just stumbled around into the kitchen. the kitchen has big industrial stoves. each one was turned on. since it was gas really have flames was scorching the pots that sat on them. I couldn't reach for the buttons to turn them off. Every time I tried to put my hand over the fire I would get burned. I had memories of my ex-boyfriend complaining about people that were neglectful the people in the nursing home. all I can think of is he was trying to kill them by leaving the stoves is on. I never saw my ex-boyfriend in this dream or found my glasses.