Rin's Terrible Ex

Date: 5/11/2019

By ArretVokram

I was around 12-14 going shopping with my dad and Rin (Vocaloid) who was my best friend/girlfriend. We were in Walmart for looking for gifts for my brother's birthday, I noticed some Hot Wheels cards and remembered how my bro used to like Hot Wheels. Rin looked to me and started talking about stuff, (I think she got rocks in her shoes.) I was looking for Yugioh cards in the cards section (My bother collects those.), and would occasionally glance back at Rin every now and then. I looked back to notice she was taking off her shoes, when she realized I saw her she froze with fear. Seeing as she was uncomfortable, I looked back away. She sighed a breath of relief, and apologized for being so timid. We went to someone's house, (I don't know if it's mine or hers.) She turned on the Wii and played Animal Crossing. She then began to explain why she reacted the way she did back at Walmart. She told me how her ex boyfriend used to sexually harass her. She said that he used to talk dirty every time they were together. How he used to throw pennies on the ground right in front of her. And how he essentially became unbearable every time her saw her without shoes. She tells me that, "I'm very glad you don't think that way." And gives me a hug. We continued hanging out until I woke up.