I had a dream that I turned on my PS4 and started playing a game. At first I was watching a cutscene, where GUMI (Vocaloid.) was running across a canyo...
In this dream I was walking with Miku, Luka (Maybe), KAITO, and MEIKO. I was Len in this dream, and we were looking for Rin. Everyone had wings in thi...
In this dream my tutors and a few students were planning some kind of event and needed to bring someone interesting. I said I'd bring my brother, becau...
I had a dream that I was a vampire in a church, who needed to kill this floating nude girl shrouded in white light. looked at her a bit before I rememb...
I was around 12-14 going shopping with my dad and Rin (Vocaloid) who was my best friend/girlfriend. We were in Walmart for looking for gifts for my bro...
I had a dream I was trapping mice... In jars...
I was sitting on the floor by the window, I think I was feeling melancholy. I was just sitting there being kind of sad, until a bunch of drones flew by...
I had two dreams that were intertwined. The first dream I was a preteen child with green eyes and black short hair. My parents moved with me into a w...