Date: 5/17/2020
By leusid
I and someone else were going through a series of trials or exploring a weird labyrinthian foreign place, abstract, I feel like it was broken down by "rooms" even though I feel like it was also outside. I only remember us having done two rooms and I can't remember the first... The second one, we were goop. I figured we need to figure out how to pour ourselves over a ledge and into a little receptacle on another ledge below, but our ledge overhung too far so we'd fall all the way to the ground below. I remember trying and a glob of me fell and missed the receptacle, splattering on the ground below. I wanna say I was like salsa and my friend was like this translucent bluish gel, almost gelatinous. The Man in the Cube, aka Richard Schaal, showed up and I asked for his help. I thought if he held down a spatula and something else he could distribute the pressure enough so that he could tip/hang this surface over the edge at such an angle that we could land in the receptacle. We started trying it, but before pouring I realized I didn't think it was gonna work. The Man got distracted and asked "is that a real mirror?" I looked and there was a small mirror on a shower wall, not at all facing The Man and mostly obscured by a shower curtain. I was like you can see yourself in that?? Whoa. We decided we needed to enlist Julian's help. Trying to remember his Facebook handle lol, I "remembered" it was "straight_[something]_but_[something]" (and Rachel's was "[something]_but_dank" lol). I saw a post he made that said "just watched Aaron loaded up with Austin leave" etc something, ended with the reason he had to take his child and leave was because of his partner's jitters from HRT? Also, earlier in the dream, we were all supposed to be doing a test, but I instantly lost my paper and was stressedly looking for it and causing a ruckus disrupting everyone, but nobody seemed to care. Finally found my paper, sat down, looked at the first question then thought "wait a minute I fucking graduated fuck this I'm never doing this shit again!" and either woke up temporarily or "woke up" into another dream.