
Date: 12/11/2021

By leusid

I was on the phone with an old Latin American woman who somehow knew me, and I was asking her questions and thanking her for something and she was being very sweet in response. Also I was in the passenger seat of the car and Meaghan was driving. A semi truck cut us off and ran us off the road and suddenly we were like driving along tin roofs of houses stacked pretty high. We couldn't get back on the road and eventually we just drove off and were in open air over a forest/more tin roofs down below. I told the lady on the phone "oh shit we're dead." Then I looked out over the canopy at all the leaves and said to myself "green!" (which is what me and Blix decided in real life that would help us find each other in our dreams) so I closed my eyes and tried to believe that I was gonna find Blix. (got interrupted by real life Blix while writing this 😍😍) Edit 02/11/23 - I never came back to this! All I remember is that I DID find Blix in the dream just as planned, and was pretty impressed cuz that was the first night we had planned to try that.