Date: 6/18/2023
By Jvoy1218
I took a nap at 7 today and just woke up at 2:00 am. Which is weird cause I usually can never nap and was supposed to pick my brother up at a train station at 11… whoops. I had multiple dreams though and one of them was of my childhood dog who passed about a year ago. I was in a garage (not my garage) and I was walking into some house when he came running around the corner and ran right up to me. It was cute cause when he was a puppy his butt would wiggle all over when he was excited cause he would try to wag his stubby tail. When he was really excited he would fall over when trying to sit cause his butt would be moving so much which is exactly what happened in this dream. My sister and I were the closest with him so immediately I was like “KELSEY GET TF OVER HERE RN” and she ran over and saw him too. This is most of what I can remember but God I miss that dog.