Date: 8/23/2019
By nicolezdzieba
I’m in the passenger’s seat of a car, facing backward to talk to Jen Junggust. She says something about how she’s moving in with someone, and I start to smile coyly. She returns the smile, and I say — in a really stupid voice — “I think I know who it is...” We both start laughing, and I say, “I used to text Brody about you and Cam all the time!” I decide not to tell her that (really) I used to text a whole group chat about them ... I meet up with Renee and Brianna (and I believe some other people from our group) at some big convention center. I decide that I need to go home and change, and they come with me. Instead of ending up at home, we find ourselves in a bar. I look around and see Jordan Weeks, Kevin Hughsam, Michael Brisson and several other people I went to middle and high school with. Renee whispers, “Tame Jay Days” and I giggle and whisper, “Get me the f outta here.” The guys I recognized are all looking at me. Brianna, Renee and I go outside and I say something about having to change. I realize now that I’m actually wearing something cute (a lacy white dress with one of my denim jackets). I’m confused because I had thought I was wearing a big jersey-type shirt (just like the one worn by the red-headed girl in the Upper Room video Renee showed me) ... Blane and I end up at the Pizzi’s house (which isn’t actually the Pizzi’s house) because I really need to use the bathroom. We say hi to Mikey in the garage, and I head inside. To my knowledge, no one else is home. I walk down a hallway past two bathrooms that are directly next to each other. I decide that I’ll use Cari and Fred’s toilet, but I go to scope out the area first. I walk into one of the bedrooms, however, and notice two small, hairy feet hanging out of the bed. I immediately know that it’s Zach. I panic and decide I don’t need to go to the bathroom anymore ... I see my dirty makeup sponge out in a public setting.