Date: 9/13/2018
By KayDeeKay
this dream made me feel uncomfortable. it starts off where I'm living in this small country town in the woods with my mom. (don't know where rest of family is) the town's people did not like us and would bully us all the time. a weird festival went on and during it some girl disappeared. my mom and I felt the festival was creepy, like some cult ritual and we didn't belong there. we get blamed for the girl going missing for some reason, so life there got worse. One evening, our neighbors confront us and start to threaten us. it gets really dark and as I'm looking at my neighbor who has her back to the woods, I see the shape of some weird huminaoid walking behind her. I point it put scared, and she gets scared. her family starts running without saying a word which gets my mom and I to run. I get to the house and wait for my mom, but for some reason she stops outside trying to gather an object she needed to bring in the house for some reason. I hear her scream and I open the door and she is gone. she shows up the next day and I asked her what happened, but all she could say was "up". after that my ex shows up at our door trying to her me back, but it seemed really odd. I think it was a fake version of him. he tries to get me I to his car, but I say no and start to run as well. he tries to run me over with the car but im able to dodge it. the cops are called, but they all side with my ex. my mom and I are now considered dangerous and the dream fades out...not sure what they were going to do with us... but probably cult and alien related.