Date: 6/30/2018
By jadeskies
Tregan went with me to group. At first we’re sitting in this room with lowered parts of the floor. Half of the room is lower and there is a railing type thing. On the higher level there is a bunch of seating on benches. I forget but something made it hard to see across. But I remember seeing Manya and Becky there. They were both on the opposite end I was on. Then I saw Tregan wth Becky all the way across the benches. Then the room went dark. I decided. “Oh well” and decided to wait till the lights turned on to sneak next to him. Then we got up to stand in the lowered level (which was now the higher level) and Tregan ran up to my right side. (He said something along the lines of “I love” or I’ll never leave”) then he put his arm around my shoulder and hugged me. He gripped my sides and did everything I would’ve fallen weak for. But I kept telling him “Tregan. We’re at church stop it” he kept doing it and then at last he stopped. I saw ms dory and a few other church leaders raising their eyebrows in the crowd at him. And eventually they come up to him after worship and tell him that that is not allowed. They separate us continue to tell him that what he did was not ok. At one point later they say “why don’t we leave the couple alone?” And she smirks and leaves, closing the door behind her to a room on a small stairway top. He is on one side of the railway and I’m on the other. Randomly I go into a room on my right and ask for a box of safety pins because my sock broke. The entire heel was frayed. Then I went back. I think when I come back I go outside and I’m on ground level. Then later see his dad and his girlfriend arrive and they’re told about everything that happened. His dad shakes his head. And I hear Melissa say my name. Then we are (walking) home. And we pass by a giant hat from Alice in wonderland. But it’s turned into a museum. I remember Tregan next to me. Then I’m on my phone playing this game. And I beat a level and then the only thing on my screen was a girl emoji. And a guy emoji and a genie emoji in between (with the look “imma keep an eye on ya”) And while this is going on I hear in the background. “You know Steve. We could go see the hat.” “Oh no. I’ve got projects to do” “We could go you know. We have two days.” All I’m thinking is “I’ll go if Tregan comes with me”