Magical Traffic Light

Date: 9/22/2020

By leusid

Fell back asleep for a bit and dreamed some more. This time, a gang of three like.. beast people? Like they were punky and I think magical, they each had a special device like their own personal weapon, one of them was a traffic light, not sure what it did but it was more special than just being a traffic light. They said they were here to get a new weapon that was basically a street lamp, and had decided that the traffic light weapon was the worst one they had at the moment so they were getting rid of it. They asked if anyone wanted it so I said sure. I took it outside and tried to use it, but to no avail. I came back in and asked how to use it, the person that gave it to me was like you have to read the instructions, and they handed me a booklet that was probably like 100 pages long but only like 2"x3". I was like omg no, but I opened it and was like "well at least the font is decently large." They thought that was funny I guess, they laughed. I never made it past the first couple words; reading irl is hard enough, dream reading is worse. I just fell asleep again but trying to remember the rest of this dream.. people were taking about how these magical people were trans but kept calling the traffic light person "he" which I interpreted as incorrect so I was like I don't recall them coming across as particularly male, which is true I didn't remember. I was on my way outside to practice my new traffic light lol and I saw a mirror, for some reason I was fat and had long hair, but I actually kinda looked like a woman, just didn't look like me at all.