Digital art 4k scene from a movie: A young woman interrupts a loud argument between two cafe owners in a Disney-esque theme park, eventually getting a free cup of coffee from one of them, only to embark on a walking tour of Disney's scandalous history and end up sticking a macaroni noodle up a blonde singer's nose during a musical performance.

Proof of my Maturity Level

Date: 4/14/2019

By blucanary

~At a place like Disney or Universal Studios but just for ppl around my age-ish I think. Young adults to middle age. No old adults though, lol. I stopped at a walk up window to get a coffee. Behind me are two other cafe businesses and their owners are loudly arguing. After waiting here for quite a while, I finally interrupt the pple arguing (trying to be polite still though) asking if I cd just get a coffee from them. I had heard the woman (slightly chunky, long black hair light gray plain tshirt and jeans. White woman middle aged) slam shut one of the two windows to her business and say she was closing bc of the other dude she was fighting with (another vendor, the stores or whatever were attached at the big restaraunt stove dealio). She politely and apologetically says no. The dude she had been fighting with then says "But she's been waiting for nearly a half hour just for some coffee. And the guy who runs the coffee place walked out just now or something, Idk, no one is in there now". So she said alright, come over, she'd get me a cup of coffee. She got me a small cup but didn't charge me. As Im filling it with sugar and cream she comments that i already had a cofee in my hand! I say yes, but I wasnt sure if i want to drink it or not bc i had good reason to think that someone may have put something in it. She told me "so what?!", said that I cd still drink it! And I said "even if it's clean I wd have needed a 2nd coffee anyway bc I drink them so fast! She replied one last time w/ "honey, by the time you're finished pouring your sugar and cream, this whole place will be filled w entirely different ppl. *THAT* is drinking your coffee fast!" (in that one you cd go inside to eat or drink or whatever or you cd just order at the walk up window. It was like a coffee Burger King. So a Coffee King (w the B.K. logo and all, lol). ~After that, I take my coffee through this 'walking tour' of Disney's sexploits within their films. I remember seeing more than one large in your face full color "drawings", film reel things, whatever they were, of Pinocchio w/ his tiny wooden penis hanging out.. ~ After this walk through show thing I went to another cafe. I went into the back for a job as a dishwasher or something. There was already a dishwasher there (we were suppose to work together) but he, a very broad shouldered man, huge chest...almost comical in his proportions, lol, wd *not* even consider the idea of sharing his sink and water and dishes and whatever. He just gets more and more angry the more I try to work or help out. So I leave. ~ I go across the way to a 'musical cafe'. There was a woman (the lesbian, really talented, blonde from SNL-forgot her name. Let's just call her Sheryl. At some point, for some reason, I bust out into song. I guess I must have gotten a job here bc Sheryl and this guy Dave join in (they both work there). At one point in the song I "slap" Sheryl. I wondered though if that slap was part of the routine or not bc 1. I actually made contact w/ her cheek. And 2. despite being a great actress, she had not been able to hide her sudden shock. It was very slight though and she didnt allow it to effect the show we were putting on for the rest of the cafe. Then while we were singing/acting, the part required her to stand against a wall while I stood in front of her and carressed her face while we both sang at the same time together. As I was carressing her I stuck a macaroni noodle up her nose (just the tip, it wasnt all the way up there) and we were both laughing while trying to continue singing. I wake myself up laughing in real life abt sticking a noodle up another persons nose. And THAT, my friends, is proof of my maturity level!

AI generated interpretation Your dream seems to reflect various themes related to maturity, relationships, conflicts, and self-expression. The setting of a theme park specifically designed for young adults and middle-aged individuals may symbolize a desire for fun and excitement while navigating through the complexities of adulthood. It could suggest a longing for a sense of freedom and adventure within the constraints of responsibilities. The encounter at the coffee window where the owners are arguing may represent inner conflicts or discord in your waking life. Your attempt to politely intervene and get a coffee could indicate an effort to deal with conflicts and find resolution in a peaceful manner. The interaction with the vendors may reflect your ability to handle interpersonal conflicts and assert your needs, even in challenging situations. The imagery of walking through a display showcasing Disney's sexual themes could symbolize a journey of self-discovery and exploration of your own sexuality. The presence of Pinocchio with his wooden penis exposed may suggest themes of authenticity, honesty, and self-acceptance. The encounter with the dishwasher who refuses to share space and resources with you may symbolize obstacles or challenges in your relationships or work environment. It could reflect feelings of frustration or inadequacy when trying to cooperate or collaborate with others who are resistant. The musical cafe and your participation in a performance with Sheryl and Dave may signify a desire for creative expression and collaboration in a harmonious group setting. The act of slapping Sheryl during the performance and later sticking a macaroni noodle up her nose could represent playful and spontaneous expressions of affection, humor, or irreverence. Overall, your dream appears to highlight a mix of maturity, humor, conflict resolution, self-expression, and the balance between fun and responsibilities in adulthood. It may suggest a need to address and integrate different aspects of your personality, relationships, and emotions in a balanced and mature way.