Breaking and Entering

Date: 5/19/2022

By KingBalcolny

I’m outside of my apartment. For whatever reason, the wifi modem is connected to a small pot of plants. I’m fooling around with it for some reason. My landlord comes out and says to me, “I’ve been trying to get that thing to work.” I don’t pay his comment much mind, instead I tell him that I’m going to go into my apartment and get my laptop. Outside, the sun hasn’t come up yet, but it’s that perfect time, minutes before it rises and I want to relax in that. Walking back inside thr building, for whatever reason, my landlord is already there. I bump into him the hallway. With him are a small group of college kids. My next door neighbor moved out recently and he was giving them a tour of his old apartment. I smile and walk into my apartment. The door is unlocked. When I get inside I notice a bunch of graphic t-shirts laid out across my room. On my desk, the bed, the floor. They’re my graphic t-shirts from my old brand that I used to run back in college. I know it, because the main logo I’d print on new releases are on the shirts. I’m a bit shocked that someone came into my apartment, so next I lock the door. Then I start to examine the shirts and look at them with a sort of longing and wishing that I’d stuck with it. I look towards my window and notice a later taped to the glass. I get up and rip it off. It’s a long letter, mutiple pages. Wedged between it are a couple of dollar bills which makes me think that it came from a family member. “Dear lateef. I miss you so much. I also miss the apricots??” This is how far I got until I was woken up by my truck radio. One of my drivers needs me 😔 back to work