I’m in a meeting hall at my job. My driver Edric sits opposite my of me as we discuss the matters of his grievance towards the company.
I was driving the streets of downtown SF. Music was playing in my car and I remember thinking I shouldn’t be listening to this stuff right now because i...
I’m in my old neighborhood with one of my garbage drivers. He parks next to a car port. I ask him to pick up the trash in the port. He then ask how much...
I have a mini fro. In the mornings I use a small spray bottle to sprinkle on it so I can soften it up to pick out. In this dream I had a high tech spr...
I dreamed I was in my childhood neighborhood. I was at an old friends apartment building, David. He invited me inside his place. Inside I saw his parent...
I dreamed that I was in a room filled with sketchy people, and in the corner there was an ATM machine. My father was there too. He lived in the room in ...
I’m at a cafe. I buy a bunch of dessert for myself and my brother. The dream then changes and now I’m seated at a table with my little brother. I hand h...
I was staring at my reflection in the mirror. I had a orange glow and my skin was granite like. I soon realized that I could be in a dream. And I asked ...
I’m on a mega bus. We’re driving through a massive desert. Oil has spilled on the sand. We ride over it and I can feel the bus tipping one way. The bus ...
Expecting a big dream soon. Been sleep deprived
There was a big boil on my neck. Humungous. I was looking at it in a mirror or something. Then my friend woke me up to pray Fajr
It was night time. I think I was by my old high school, i remember it distinctly because of the black gates surrounding it. For whatever reason i announ...
Ii dreamed I was in my old childhood apartment. I was having an animated conversation with my uncle. Our relationship has always been serious in real li...
I can’t remember much of this dream because I was in such a rush to get to work this morning. I remember being in a busy downtown area, and my feet were...
I’m in a movie theater with friends. I don’t know what’s playing on the screen, some type of anime, and I know it’s approaching the end. The movie is at...
I’m in the yard at my job. I’m talking to someone on the phone. One of my drivers approaches me and hands me a letter. I smile at him and notion towards...
I believe on a street where I like to get crepes in San Francisco. Inside it’s not a short crepe spot but still a food spot. I order and the cashier tel...
I’m in a crowded house filled with some of my old high school friends. It’s packed, if feels like a party. Im trying to maneuver through, we’re body to ...
I was in my grandmothers old apartment with this girl that I’m dating. In real life I’ve been feeling indifferent about the whole relationship. We’ve be...
I dreamt that I went to my childhood barbershop. I walked inside and saw Mr Reno, my old barber cutting someone’s hair. It was great to see him being th...
Another half lucid experience. I couldn’t control anything. I was driving my work truck on a foggy road. All I could see was my hands on the steering wh...
I’m driving my work car by a lake that’s by my old neighborhood. Speeding cars zoom by me. One in car particular, a Tesla, I notice as I make a left tu...
Tons of sleep of paralysis. Lots of it. And hypnagogic images and sounds. All in good fun. I enjoyed it until I dozed off. Can’t remember any of the dre...
This just in! Basketball ball star Zion Williams was seen running for a bus on Junipero Serra street in the city of San Francisco. Unfortunately for t...
Another dream from my work truck. I’m at my office cubicle. On the other side is my coworker Christina. I can hear her voice. I get up from my desk an...
I’m in a room upstairs that’s supposed to be my “office.” My coworker Angela is there. She tells me that one of my drivers has called off to go to chur...
Can’t remember much of this dream, just small scenes. First I remember entering a orangish room and seated in a circle were a group of people wearing ...
My best friend and I are Downtown. It’s lively, folks are out. We walk to a McDonald’s and I decide I want to get something. So we line up at drive thro...
I’m like a camera, getting an aerial shot of my favorite pod casters as they talk hoop on the floor. Through my eyes , the camera twist and it turns as ...
I’m outside of my apartment. For whatever reason, the wifi modem is connected to a small pot of plants. I’m fooling around with it for some reason. My l...
I’m driving around a big lake, surrounded by tall trees that look like redwoods. Along the lake is a trail. As I drive I see the basketball player Steph...
I was asleep in my work truck (what else is new). My truck is parked on a hill. A car drives up and parks behind me, disrupting my dream sleep. I wake u...
I dreamed I was in the fire escape at my old neighborhood apartment. I look up and see a dark figure a case of stairs above me. The figure looks familia...
I drive my supervisor truck out to meet with a customer complaining about one of my drivers leaving trash all over the block after they service. Turns o...
I’m in my truck, asleep on a graded hill. After a couple of minutes of slumber I wake up to start my truck but it won’t start. Instead something oozes o...
Well hello. It’s been a while since I’ve posted here. 3 years to be exact. If you care to look at my page, I posted 3 lousy journal entries back in 20...
Last night I made an intention to wake up and attempt an OBE. I set my clock at 3:00 am, had a cup of tea, and drifted off to sleep. I awoke at the appr...
I got a new job recently that I’m thankful for. The hours are for the birds though so most mornings I’m tired (still trying to adjust to the schedule). ...
I bought a floor bed some months ago—it’s not like I had a choice, my room is the living room, and my uncle, who is also the person I pay rent to, decid...