Almost Missing a Final/Making Cake !

Date: 6/21/2018

By belle7244

The dream started with my school going outside (we were in my childhood backyard) and my friend and I hearing what we think are gunshots from afar. They let her and I go home early and I check the news to see there really was a shooting at some restaurant. I go to sleep until 11 the next morning. I freak out because I thought I missed my AP Psych final. I run to my mom and tell her what’s wrong. We find out that it’s actually in an hour. She drops me off and everyone is in lunch. I have to find my way to attendance but I’m in such a large school I get lost a lot. The dream changes and I’m at some run down renaissance fair where no one is wearing costumes. We are planning for my cousin’s wedding and getting a new dog for some reason. When we got home, I got the idea into my head somehow that I was going to be a professional baker. So made a blueberry cake and I went to go make like icing. For some reason I remember the recipe: 1cup sugar (lmao not even powdered sugar), 2 wedges of a like juiced, one wedge of a like zested, and my mom made me add M&M’s at the last minute for some reason. A very weird recipe. I had to finish the icing before sunset because we had a wedding to go to. I grab these fabric things that make the icing a certain color somehow and I run outside. I’m trying to make icing, but my arms are heavy and I’m just not working properly. My eyes get blurry and I can’t focus on something. I realize the sky has gone dark and I start to pack up to go inside.