Digital art 4k scene from a movie: DALL-E, generate an image of a literal apple that transforms into an iPhone on a small ship in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by a whale and a group of friends, capturing the essence of teenage adventure and summer love.

A Literal Apple for an I-Phone/ Living on a Ship

Date: 6/21/2019

By blucanary

~I was packing all my stuff and putting it on a large boat/small ship. I was packing everything! Clocks, the old VHS player of my mums, a kayak, a small cage w/ both my cats in it (Tem, [short for 'temporary' bc she was a random stray and I knew she wasn't choose to stay] the cat that freely walked into my house last week and stayed for a night, and the other one looked like my moms white Siamese). I put them both in the same cage together. I seemed to be abt 15. I invited some people from school, telling them we were leaving when school ended for the summer. At one point in the dream I even thought to myself, "If we're only 15, why did I think any of their parents wd allow them to leave home, especially since we plan to be gone for at least a year?!" One of my first boyfriends Ryan C. came with us (he was just a friend in the dream though) along w/ a few others. ~I remember a whale in the dream. My mum was standing on some..idk what to call a balcony off our boat, but the blacony was in the water so she cd stand on it and even though we were in the middle of the ocean, the water only covered her feet. I was watching her w/ a few other people, and she was showing us how she fed the whale. When he stuck his head up for some food, my mum fed him a little and then went to lean down and pet him beneath the chin or something. When she did this, the whale jumped out of the water and it almost looked like he grabbed my mum, maybe hugging her, maybe just getting angry and twirling and landing on top of her (who can tell, it's a whale?!). I was frightened at first, but then my mum popped back up out of the water. I swam over to her and we both swam back to the balcony thing together. She explained that when she went to pet him, her long dark hair (she has blonde hair irl) got in his eyes and scared him for a moment. He freaked out and jumped up, but he wd never hurt my mum intentionally, or anyone else for that matter. I hugged her and told her how cool what she just did was, that it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen her do! I was really proud of her in that moment and really felt she was a very cool mum! ~In the dream was also a guy my mum worked w/ (not irl but in the dream). His name was Craig or some crap. He was cute. He liked me. And I was attracted to him as well. At one point he came up to me and we were talking. Somehow"just talking" turned into a long lingering kiss, me on my tippy toes to reach him. My mum walked in and saw us, quietly walking back out. During the times I was with him, it was as though I was an adult again, not like he was some pedophile, lol. ~A bit after the kiss, I was sitting in a large group of ppl (almost everyone that came with us). I was in the middle of the group. Craig walked by and saw me, a little sad that I was in the middle facing everyone, so he cdnt come and hold me. He said hello to me, and I waved saying, "Hello! How was work today?", giving him a big smile. This is when he decided to come over to me and hold me anyway. I guess now we're together and everyone knows it. ~After that I walked to my room. I was messing around w/ the mattresses on the floor (there was my bed and one other, each w/ 2 mattresses but no actual bed itself, just the mattresses on the floor). I kept trying to straighten them up but I sucked at it bc I just had no patience to actually do it correctly. I hear Craig behind me laugh. He had followed me and was watching me. He found the way I was doing it cute. That led to him and I playing around on the mattresses together, rolling around in the sheets and being silly. ~Suddenly two girls were laying down (one laying down, one sitting up) on the other mattress (the one nearest the wall, furthest from the door) as if they had been there the entire time. They were playing cards. I remember the one lying down wearing black jeans and a black t-shirt. She also had short black hair. The tv was on and an ad for a movie came on. It was called "I am Satan". I told the girls what a great movie it was, even if the title sounded bad (evil). It had well known actors in it. The movie poster was on my wall, it had two black haired men on it hugging one another. I think one was the father and the other, the son. ~After this I needed to go to work. I grabbed my apple i-phone but decided I wanted Craigs instead bc his was black and looked cool. The i-phone however, was nothing like what they actually look like. It was shaped like an actual apple (abt the same size as a large apple too) and it opened in half horizontally to make a call. As I was walking away with his phone (bc I took his and gave him mine) I noticed that his was some stupid one that wasnt actually an apple but instead shaped like a baseball. I hate sports. Also, the pen that came with his had a very very short cord, and there was no way I wd be able to use that while working! I needed mine which had no cord! I realized then how much better mine was. As I reached the cafe I worked at, I saw Craig behind me going to what looked like a mall food court (that's where my cafe was). I grabbed my phone back from him. I was kinda rude abt it though. Like, "Oh look how cute I am, I can take whatever I want, my phone, your phone, whatever, doesnt matter"! ~He must have broken up with me when I did this, bc I went and sat with my friends at one of the tables. There were six of us in total. They were dressed all cute and had their tummies showing. One of them said something like, "Who here is cute"? and they all raised their hands. I however sunk in my seat and said "Im ugly" all whiney like. My friends laughed and lifted me up, telling me I was cute too.

AI generated interpretation This dream appears to be a complex reflection of your current emotions and thoughts. The act of packing and getting on a boat symbolizes a desire for change or a new journey in your life. The various items and people you packed represent different aspects of yourself and your relationships. The presence of your mom in the dream may symbolize a nurturing and protective figure in your life. The interaction with the whale can symbolize your feelings of admiration and pride towards your mother, as well as the potential for unexpected events or emotions in your life. The kiss with Craig may represent a desire for romantic connection and intimacy, as well as exploring new relationships or feelings. The scene with the mattresses suggests a sense of playfulness and comfort, as well as a need for relaxation and carefree moments. The appearance of the girls playing cards and the movie "I am Satan" could represent different aspects of your subconscious mind, potentially suggesting inner conflicts or curiosity about darker themes. The apple iPhone shaped like an actual apple may symbolize a desire for technology and communication, as well as a preference for aesthetics and functionality. The interaction with Craig's phone and the subsequent breakup may indicate feelings of insecurity or impulsiveness in your relationships. Lastly, the interaction with your friends at the end of the dream may reflect feelings of self-doubt or comparison to others, but also reassurance and support from your social circle. Overall, this dream may indicate a mix of desires for change, connection, self-acceptance, and exploration in your waking life.