Date: 9/1/2018
By squidward
i was staying at this house with a lot of people who i didn't know. i went in my room that i was assigned to and noticed that it was big. i got one half of the room and amy got assigned to the other. it was set up like cam's parents room with the closets, but the windows were different, the room was bigger, and the furniture was black, as well as the blankets on the bed. amy came in and was like sweet someone left a vibrator lol. then, drake bell appeared and said it was his room. amy got kicked out and she took me with her. we went to this store and bought lipstick. i took hers and started putting this dark purple on my lips. i realized i could get a cold sore if i did that, so i stopped. seconds later, i did it again. i kept on forgetting to stop and i kept on doing it. amy started singing all around me are familiar faces, but changed the lyrics. we got to this outdoor concert like club and it had underwater parts. amy said to just jump in bc it was too packed. i jumped in, but i jumped on the black island where people get thrown out of the club. the guards throwing people out didn't see me. i saw a man go underwater and the guards ran to him and snapped his body off. they disconnected his head from his body. the guard said he liked his body a lot more like that.