The Tiger King, Carnivals and a Naughty Lucid.

Date: 4/6/2020

By amandalyle

In this dream, I had a baby. It was a girl. I walked her into town but nothing much was open (probably due to the Coronavirus) so I got a taxi home. When I got back, there was a parade/carnival in the street. I sat down on the curb-side with the pram nearby. In the crowd, I could see my best friend (who I haven’t spoken to in a while) with her friend, Amy. They came and sat right next to me which made me feel really awkward. We didn’t talk to each other the entire time and then they all piled into this 70’s mustang that her step brother (who looked absolutely wasted) was driving. Instead of driving down the road, like any normal person, he drove over the front wall of every house in the street, causing mayhem and destruction in the process. I checked the time, it was 5am. For some reason, I was trying to flag down another taxi to go into town again (despite already trying and failing) but the baby started crying and seemed really restless. Plus, I only had one bottle of milk with me and this manky dummy. People started pulling up more chairs and putting them on the side of the street. Apparently, there was going to another carnival. I saw my son, Maxi, sitting with these older kids. He was chatting away, but I was horrified by how awful his teeth looked. They looked like black stumps. I hoped that the other kids wouldn’t notice and make fun of him. Before the carnival started, I got up and walked into my house (which wasn’t my house in real life, but I lived there in my dream) The baby was no longer with me. I climbed the stairs and saw my friend (the one who isn’t talking to me) drunkenly asleep in my bed with a guy we went to school with (Nicki) There was this other guy we also went to school with (James) who was sat in bed, waiting for me. At this point I gained lucidity. (I knew it was a dream as this just wouldn’t happen in real life 😂) So I started kissing him, which led to other things... like lucid sex (which felt pretty amazing) He also went down on me, which felt even more amazing and then I woke up. Next scene; My mum was now running a bar at her home. As I approached the building, she had put this huge tacky sign up on the front of her house. I was a teenager in this dream and I had been naughty and stayed out all night. I remember my dad (who is dead in real Life) was following behind me. I thought he was going to give me a good telling off, but instead he was ranting about the workmen throwing their cigarette butts on the floor. Next scene; I was in what looked like Blockbusters (those were the days!) scanning the shelves for films, but they only sold comics and photo memorabilia of infamous people like murderers and serial killers. Amongst the pictures, I spotted the Tiger King. I was pointing out a picture of him to this random guy who was standing next to me, when my hand got stuck between the bars. I managed to pull it free eventually, but it freaked me out. This really tall cowboy-looking guy walked over. He must have been 8 feet tall. He asked if he could pick me up, but I declined. For some reason, I felt really unnerved by him. Just a gut feeling. Joe Exotic then approached me and told me that he’d had his eye on him for a while and wanted to make him his next husband. I smiled not quite knowing how to respond to him. As I walked out, there were loads of aquarium tanks dotted around. They were filthy and looked like they hadn’t been cleaned out for decades. I felt sorry for the fish.