Impromptu airshow and the FBI

Date: 6/8/2020

By EarthWarden

I was younger and with my mom and we were a long way from Texas. I look up and see a jet doing a loop chasing another plane. I tell my mom and we watch for a bit. The planes land and we are approached by some FBI guys and they ask us if we saw anything. A lady a little ways away must have overheard and we saw her motioning to not say anything. We tell the dudes that we saw some neat clouds and they leave us alone. The lady then approaches and tells us if we had said that we saw the planes they would've taken us away and we would never have been seen again. She tells us that we should drive west to California. My mom and I get in the car and we start driving west but my mom says, "Forget this, we're going home" and does a180 on the highway and we drive back to Texas.