Date: 12/19/2021
By stardustzer0
I am in the Bahamas, and looking at the islands from above. I’m there to take care of something or someone. I am at a university house, and it is a different year, more in the past. Everyone is out past curfew and running back into the house as police pull up. I am supposed to go in the house with them but I am black and the head of the house looks at me sadly and says I need to stay outside. There is a white maid with me and we are against the brick wall, it is raining out and she is crying. The officer comes up to us and looks at us suspiciously, I tell him her tears are just the rain. He tells me to get in the car. Stephan went to LA with Kramer, Alex and four other guys that I don’t really know. It was a trip for fun, and Stephan is on the phone with me telling me how he met Kendrick Lamar and has a new plug for weed. For some reason 5k a pound sounds good and he’s interested in figuring out how to set up a deal. We only have to drive it a short ways to Nevada or Arizona because that’s where we live now. I am on my way back from the Bahamas which was not a fun trip- there was death there and I was trying to hide from it most of the time. The Bahamas were nighttime and cemeteries, something quiet creeping up to peoples windows. I meet Stephan in LA with the Volvo and we are figuring out where to stash the weed in the car, hiding it in a place that doesn’t seem obvious in case we get pulled over. The deal i if we do get pulled over we will just say the car smells like weed because we had smoked earlier, if they ask. I decide to drive the car by myself and meet Stephan back home. I am driving across several bridges, bridges that are high up. I am going east east east no matter what, following signs that say “New Marietta” which in my dream I think is strange since Ohio is so far from California. I get on a bridge that has one lane of traffic but multiple levels. I am on the highest level. Ahead of me I see explosions and they are getting closer. I get out of the car and drop onto lower levels until I am close enough to the ground to drop onto the ground, on the outside edge of the bridge. The explosions are still happening and I decide my best bet is to swim across the river to get away. Whoever is causing the explosions sees me as I begin to get in the water and then shoot at me. I dive under the water holding my breath and they cannot see me so they stop shooting. Now I am on a railroad track with hundreds of other people. There is an old brick building with dark glass windows and it looks abandoned. There is no train, only the people and they don’t know what they’re doing there. I am with someone and he wants to cause a distraction so we can get away from these people, so he throws a brick throw one of the windows on the building and now everyone rushes to do the same. We are going against the crowd and trying to find someone. He asks me how it happened and I begin telling him about dropping off the bridge to get away and he says no, not that. He’s looking at me like I should know what he’s asking me but I don’t. I start to cry and lean up against a wall and there is water pouring down the wall, just around me. I realize when I dove into the water to swim across I didn’t make it. I’m telling him I remember now, I tried to swim but I got tired, so tired. The river was so wide, I just couldn’t do it. I tried to float but my body was too heavy. I realize everyone here at this station has died, that is why we are all here.