Date: 8/6/2017
By Megan425
I woke up a while ago. Disappointed that I couldn't remember my dream. But then! A snippet arrived. Not much, but I wanted to write it down straight away. Definitely a work dream. I remember a sense of not fitting in (quite true IRL as well) and trying to do all these tasks. But just failing, or being a little too late, or missing the point. And people laughing at me. Then hearing colleagues talk shit. About how crap I am. Then I woke up. And felt a bit glum (not knowing why until just now). This is a sort of recurring dream about my current job. Where I really don't feel like I fit in - and people aren't very willing to teach new people. I've basically been terrified ghat I'm going to be fired for the last 9 months now - classic imposter syndrome. It would be cool if I could stop dreaming about it though - I have enough anxiety during the day.