Made coffee in French press for my mother and I. Who were fighting - which we never do. The creme on the coffee was all over the pot. So I poured it ont...
Haven't done one of these in a while. Cuz I kept on forgetting to / forgetting my dreams. My house was somewhere different than where it is. But that ...
Dreamt I was asked to be part of a band in New Orleans. Just like back up singer or something. We had a gig - it went great and they asked us to come ba...
On some sort of mad trip much of it naked or just covered in a sheet. At a kind of massage parlour with people trying to convince me to never leave. No ...
We were visiting our friends in Bulgaria - and all of the sudden it just like descended into madness. Lots of people, parties, carrying on. Then it turn...
Woke up remembering very little. Which seems to be the vibe these days. Something about being in Cork. ... Also woke up late so didn't have time to pro...
Somehow I came into £6 million. But not really. Basically myself and so children bought some luxury skin care for that much and had to figure out how to...
Kayaking down 'a river' as party of a family holiday which turned into some sort of adventure tour. Suddenly we're being pursued and it's up to me to se...
Someone I follow on Instagram had to go on a stage naked. Meanwhile- people were trying to get the hospital shut down. Admittedly, it probably should ha...
I woke up a while ago. Disappointed that I couldn't remember my dream. But then! A snippet arrived. Not much, but I wanted to write it down straight a...
Bit disappointed that I seem to have forgotten the majority of my dreams from last night. What I do remember is something to do with Instagram and a DJ ...
Sadly don't remember a thing about last nights dreams.
I dreamt I was an oyster. Like at the bottom of the ocean. I guess I must have been sentient in some way - but I'm not exactly sure. I think there were ...