Digital art 4k scene from a movie: DALL-E, generate an image of a crowded beach in Clearwater, Florida, showcasing a pod of massive whales swimming in the water, a young strawberry-blonde girl tampering with a phone, and a group of unconventional cheerleaders in a university dorm bathroom.

Whale watching and Phone Tampering. At the Same Time!!!

Date: 3/18/2019

By blucanary

I was at the beach, in Clearwater, Florida (it was a bit different from what it actually looks like, but it was Clwr beach). I was walking along the sand, the large waves and mist from the water much closer than they wd actually be in real life. The beach was packed. Tourist season. I look to my left and saw whales. Massive whales, a whole pod of them. Some jumping out of the water, making their whale noises and blowing water from their blow holes. After the pod of whales swim past, I see a few ships. They looked like old military ships. There was only one or two though, and then more whales returned. A young girl, abt 18 (thin with mid-length strawberry blonde hair, a knee length white bell-style skirt and light blue button up top) approached me and asked if she cd use my phone to take photos of the whales. I assumed she was a tourist and wanted to take advantage of such a rare opportunity to see record such a spectacular sight through photograghs. I didnt want to deny her this opportunity, but I also didnt trust handing my phone to a stranger. So I tried to meet her halfway. I said I'll take a photo for you and send it to you. She said, "Oh, that kinda sucks [as she laughed a little] but that's okay! It's better than nothing!" And with the sweetest smile she told me to download some app. All I wd have to do is log in to the app with her info and while logged in all photos taken would be directly sent to her phone (that for some reason she didnt have on her, I didnt ask, maybe it had died, Idk). I didnt really like the idea but she and I both had our hands on my phone and she kindof just did it so fast that I didnt even have time to argue. As she put in her info into this new app on my phone, the colors all changed (most everything went to black) the apps were re-ordered, everything just got messsed up. As I saw this happen, the girl looked up and saw a woman who looked a little like her but older walk by (quite obviously her mother). As soon as she saw her, the young girl went quiet amd ran up to the woman. They never spoke, the girl just looked down at the ground and looked towards me kindof sideways with a pleading look of not to let her mother know we were speaking. I didnt understand, I assumed maybe the girl had already been repirimanded for borrowing strangers phones. Maybe her mother didnt want her talking to strangers, maybe she didnt want her touching strangers belongings, maybe she didnt trust her daughter not steal the phones, I didnt know. All I did know was that I cdnt get out of this weird app and now EVERYTHING I ever did not only on this phone but on my acct in general would be directly sent to this girl. What sort of information would she receive about me?! I didnt like it! She refused to even look at me now, so I tried to follow her and ask her to get rid of this app she had installed! At first I didnt want to get the girl in trouble, but after realizing the extent of the damage that she could have done (as in all the info she cd retrieve abt me) I no longer cared. And the fact that her mother was now with her only worked in my favor, bc she seemed to fear her mother and I sensed that the mother wd not allow her to do something like this, making her uninstall this wierd app that I cd not uninstall myself bc I did not have her login info. I looked to the girl and started to follow her, but the crowd was so big and heavy that I lost sight of her very quickly. I had her in my sigjts one second, and the next, one person walked between us and she and her mother both somehow seemed to disappear. I looked in ebery direction debating which way to take. Somewhere along the way I had ascertained that she had come for the local university, as a new year was just beginning. I made my way there and walked the halls looking for this strawberry-blonde girl. I came to a bathroom and heard a lot of talking so I looked in there. But as every stall door opened, a cheerleader stepped out. Not the pretty athletic cheerleaders you see on tv. But rather.... How shd I put this delicately? Unconventional cheerleaders. The first stall opened and an overweight, asian midget with a broken nose stepped out (the gauze with the metal band wrapped around it still covering her freshly broken nose). The next stall opened up and a tall overweight male wearing a tube top stepped out (and all you cd really focus on was the fat hanging out everywhere. Bc it was EVERYWHERE). He was talking with the girl in the next stall (I dont completely remember her..still all I can see is an overweight boy in a tube top that wd be too snall for even a CHILD to wear!) They're talking abt how he's the only male on the squad, and since he does "the same things we all do in the bathroom" (that is his line verbatim) that he shd be allowed to use the girls restroom. The girl replies with, "yeah, but when you "go", you REALLY "GO"!" And they both laugh at this juvenile remark about the size and stench of his....well, you know. I was appalled and just walked out. Next room I remember has the door open. I hear two ppl talking, a boy and a girl, and think this MIGHT be the girl from earlier. Their voices were similiar, but I cdnt see anyone. Then I see feet sticking out from beneath the bed. They were hiding beneath the bed, talking with just their feet (with socks on) sticking out. I walk in and grab the girl by her feet and start to pull her out. I see a small hammer by her side beneath the bed. I think to myself that I shd grab that hammer before one of them can grab it and attack me with it. But I dont. I just leave it. The kids dont put up a fight, they seem to think that it's just another friend of theirs playing around w them. When they see me and realize I'm not a friend, they still arent fazed. They treat me politely and I explain the mix up and apologize. They're both black kids, the boy good looking and wearing a letterman jacket. Then the kids parents enter the room. They immediately call for school personal to explain why some white woman, a complete stranger, is in their kids room. I dont exactly look like the "professional" type, so they rightly doubted that I was employed there. The personal who came in to see to the situation was a short professional looking black woman. A professional looking old style hair-do (short but not cropped, kinda flipped up at the ends and feathered just slightly up in the front. Idk, sometimes I suck at explainings things). She wore a gray professional looking skirt and matching jacket, with a notebook of some and pen in her hands. She had freckles on her cheeks and nose that made her look cute despite her older age. I now explain to the adults what I had already explained to the kids. I was looking for a girl to fix my phone. I had actually hoped that maybe even though I hadnt found the girl, that myabe these kids wd know somwthing abt the app. Idk, maybe it was some new cool thing all the kids are doing, lol! It seems once you hit mid-twenties you are no longer part of the "cool kids", the "in-crowd", whatwver you wanna call them. See?! Just the fact that I dont even know what to call them anymore shows that Im getting older, lol! Anyway, the kids didnt know how to fix it, I never found the girl, and the dream ended with me in the dorm room surrounded by two students, the parents, and one personal. As is the case in 99% of my dreams, very anti-climatic =(

AI generated interpretation In this dream, you find yourself in a bustling and vivid beach setting, which may symbolize the busyness and stimulation in your waking life. The presence of whales can indicate deep emotions, intuition, or insightful communication. Their appearance may suggest you are experiencing a sense of awe, wonder, or grandeur in some aspect of your life. The whales jumping out of the water and making noises could represent powerful emotions or thoughts surfacing. The interaction with the young girl, who asks to use your phone to capture images of the whales, highlights themes of trust, boundaries, and technology. Your hesitation to hand over your phone and the subsequent manipulation of your device by the girl could reflect concerns about privacy, control, or vulnerabilities in your waking life. The girl's actions may symbolize a violation of boundaries or a breach of trust in a personal or professional relationship. The mother figure appearing could represent authority, protection, or guidance in navigating boundaries and consequences. The imagery of the unconventional cheerleaders in the university bathroom may suggest feelings of judgment, insecurity, or social pressure in your interactions with others. The conversations and dynamics in the bathroom scene could reflect themes of identity, acceptance, or self-image. Your reaction to the situation, feeling appalled and choosing to leave, may indicate a desire to distance yourself from uncomfortable or inappropriate environments. The encounter with the black kids hiding beneath the bed and your subsequent explanation to the adults can symbolize misunderstandings, miscommunication, or cultural differences in your waking life. The presence of the professional-looking woman and the parents could represent a need for clarity, authority, or resolution in a conflicting or uncertain situation. Your attempt to seek help with fixing your phone and the lack of resolution at the end of the dream could suggest a sense of frustration, confusion, or unfulfilled needs in your waking life. Overall, this dream may reflect underlying feelings of vulnerability, boundaries, communication challenges, and the complexities of relationships in your life. Exploring these themes further and reflecting on your emotions and experiences in relation to the dream imagery may provide insights into your subconscious thoughts, desires, and concerns.