The Underage Brothel

Date: 3/29/2018

By Emile

I was part of an undercover mission to take down an underage brothel. I have befriended the owner of the facility and have therefore seen things that one does not wish to see... ever. This mission was odd, because my partner was Superman. Apart from this detail, the dream was rather dark. We entered the elevator after being greeted by the owner as he was leaving the building. He knew ahead of time that I was coming and because it was not irregular for me to bring new customers with, he was not alarmed at all. As we headed up the elevator, I warned Superman that it is not a pretty sight and that he has to keep an open mind until we can do the bust. He agreed to stay calm until then, but I knew it would be difficult for him. As the elevator doors opened, there were lines of people waiting to be served. With my privileges, we were escorted to the front immediately. At the counter, my friend was interrogated by the cashier regarding his occupation, because he carried cuffs with him. I knew this would be an issue and I warned him before hand. This facility had a system where they can swipe your ID and get your occupation within seconds. I knew this and had our occupations changed beforehand. We paid and left for the selection area. In this area we could select our child. These childrens' ages ranged from 8 to 15. The prettiest girls wore off blue colored dresses. They were placed in a semi dipped chair with their feet elevated a little. This was so that the customer could inspect their vaginas as well. They all had a calm sense of fear on their faces and this was disturbing. They have been through this a lot and they accepted their fate. We decided to pass them and move on tl the rest. These were in a seated position and a mixture of boys and girls. They all looked like they have been neglected for many years. As I looked through the benches, I saw many different expressions and the level of trauma was different for each person. My attention was immediately captured by a young man who scolded everyone around him because they looked sad. He was pulling their hair from their heads as a form of punishment. He told them that of they don't look presentable, something even worse waits for them when they get rounded up at the end of the night. He has obviously been through that and wanted to warn them of the horrors, but he lacks the ability to tell them in a calm manner. Superman decided which one he was going to pick. He saw a young boy that reminded him of his son and did not hesitate to get him off those benches. He vowed to kill anyone who comes close to that boy tonight. I nodded my head slightly in approval. I remember glancing to my left at a girl who was shaking forward and back and her one arm was deformed. She had half a head of hair as the rest was clearly pulled out. This made it clear to me that her deformity was inflicted and not genetic. My line of sight moved to a little girl next to her who was allowed to hold a bear. This was unusual as they were not allowed to carry or hold anything while on duty. Somehow this felt to me like a way out and didn't understand it at first. The longer I stared at it, the more awake and aware I became. I decided to follow that path in my dream and woke up immediately.