Date: 9/23/2018
By eggyeggy
I was going home with my family and we thought we parked our car up the hill past a railway. When we arrived at the railway, there was this bear with very long legs. So, my father decide to walk past it but the rest of my family and I stayed behind. I looked beside myself, and in stead of my family, I saw my friend. A brother and sister then approached us and asked my friend if she had any musical talents. I suggested that she should sing. My friend, agreeing to sing, sang a beautiful Chinese song as if she was a professional. While she sang, she started to form a sword using her hands. When it was completed, she handed it to the boy. They told us to follow them on the railway. We arrived at a tunnel which led us to a set of staircase spiralling upwards. At the top, they told us to take off any clothing besides from our shirt and pants. When I tried to take off my undershirt, I realized that I my hands were no where to be found when I tried to look at them.