I'm in a vacation cottage with people I don't know of. There's about 10 of us there. One night, a family of three has their mother killed by their son w...
I was at home, except home was the size of a mansion and rooms were the size of a prison cell. Each cell had a window, but anytime you open the window, ...
I was walking along a path in a city, not too modern but not too poor. I see on a wooden board with some words on it. "Come put and play chink," in all ...
I was at this home. There lived a man with his wife as well as a doll. I knew that if I stuck a needle into it's knee, it will by me enough time to esca...
I'm trying to enjoy my spring break. Do you know what I get in my dream? A message that I have to remind my friend TO REMIND THIS OTGER FRIEND.
Nothing better than walking along side a little boy holding a gun.
I was at a park with my sister. It wasn't any ordinary park. It was GIANT. The playground went along cliffs, on top of hills, and everything was so vibr...
I was in some kinda weird place. Can't remember how it looked but it was bright and it was a long hallway. I do remember that my city was going to blow ...
I saw the sky. So red, yet so pretty.
Started off having to find some homework sheets. The reason for this? It was to scan them through this machine and the machine will tell about how the p...
It started off in a mall. I had just missed the last sub way that was no underground. While I was waiting for the next one, a pregnant lady came and sto...
Had a two minute dream. I remembered I had to pay my sister back some money for a concert. I took out a hundred dollar bill then another. I think for s ...
I was with some guy, outside. There were a few streams, two to be exact. The sky was cloudy, as if a bad storm was going to approach. I stood in-between...
I was with my father and sister. I was pretty chill about being a ghost. We went a to beach and decided to fish. I noticed my cousins and their family. ...
I found my place in this hallway. In front of me was a doorway. The ground was a free carpet and the walls had a cement texture. It looked as if I was ...
Is it normal to dream of something and then see it later on in life?
I was invited to become a caretaker of this child he and his wife took after. He looked around four years old. He didn’t really like his mom because of ...
Had a dream that my Pokémon cards got dumped into a sink full of water. I only realized it was a dream when I noticed that there were no stats on the ca...
I was going home with my family and we thought we parked our car up the hill past a railway. When we arrived at the railway, there was this bear with ve...