kissing (and sex) on the beach (first successful lucid dream)

Date: 11/21/2016

By random_dreamer

This dream was a lot more sexual than what I am about to write here but I'll spare you the finest details :D I will say though that the night of this I tried strongly to get my self to lucid dream and was surprised by the outcome. So here we go. *caution* very lengthy, but very strange towards the middle and end. So here I was, with, what appeared to be (and don't judge) the younger Christina Applegate (you may know her). We were more than friends, if you know what I mean. In the early stages of the dream, the seamed to be...I dunno, but a lot of accidents around us. And I mean like there was a quick landslide, something was set on fire, and a multi-car accident...*shrugs shoulders* We appeared to be in a very hilly valley, beside a road. While there, having a kissing fit. We decide we wanna go down to the beach. The location we where at certainly wasn't anywhere I could recall. Like we weren't in Canada, or the US. Maybe Hawaii or something. Now if you've read this far, congrats cause here is where I began to lucid dream and it started to get stupidly weird. By weird I'm talking I'm embarrassed to describe most of it, but since none of you know me personally..I will try. Before we went down, something happened in the ocean. Like we saw what we thought was a whale...but turned out to be a submarine surfacing. Very close to the beach. So, instead of walking down the twisty road to the beach or drive down...WE FUCKING DECIDE TO ROLL DOWN THE DAMN 75 DEGREE SLOPE!!! Pardon the language but I was such in a lucid state that I feared for my life cause I had no idea what was going on or what was going to happen next.... What looked like some steam punk shit, a bunch of large gear things appeared out of thin air on the hill and we road them down, like they were moving in their circular motion with us riding and jumping around. If you understand what I'm getting at. We ended up on top of the sub, because I think we got thrown onto it, and we swam ashore on to the beach. We washed ashore, began kissing on the beach, and it turned very sexual (via my very sexy lucid mind :D) I'll spare those details because this is already too long, but let's just say we roleplayed and got down and dirty real quick. If you've made it this far, do tell me what you think what it all means. Or just at least tell me you understand 😂😂