From what i remember, my family was moving houses. I still lived with them, and hayley with her folks. We were moving to a house futher into the woods,...
Of course I had a back to school dream the night before school. I only remember a fraction of the dream, we were at a school, and not my usual one. th...
This was a proper nightmare, one I haven't had in a long time. I can't remember all details but I'll give the scenes and stuff. from what I remember, i...
I probably should have wrote this when I first got up, cause I forget some of the fine details but I will do my best. My dad who travels a lot for work,...
So what happened here is kinda strange. I feel like I woke up, around 4am, but it was probably only my mind that awoke. And I knew somehow that I didn't...
This dream was a lot more sexual than what I am about to write here but I'll spare you the finest details :D I will say though that the night of this I...
I dreamt a short dream that me and a friend were mechanics or engineers or something fixing a problem at a shop type place near a campground in the for...
I dreamt I was with a couple friends and we were driving down a street filled with abandoned homes. This one home I decided I wanted to stop at and look...
I had, what appeared to be two dreams, about people dying. The first one was of my dog dying. It was horribly sad and I couldn't stop crying. I can't re...
So here I was again, arriving in a campground, and I meet a few friends a know. They camp close by and hang out together. I think I notice my crush and ...
So it looked like all of my friends were going to this camp thing and I offered to drive my crush there because she was on the way. When we got there, ...