I spend a weird amount of time in pursuit of someone I barely know

Date: 11/25/2019

By candy303

My mom was at Target shopping for herself, but I was there too for some reason. I asked her if I could go across the street to a restaurant where Joan worked in the dream (irl, I’ve met Joan like twice and have no idea why I would want to look for her). She said yes and I walked inside but didn’t recognize any of the servers. They were all teenage girls about my age or a little older. There was a bar-like construction, but I don’t know if they served alcohol. There were also some flimsy little tables with folding chairs, and a few customers (all men) were sitting at them. I asked one of the girls if Joan was in, but she didn’t know who she was so she went to talk to another server. She came back and told me that Joan wasn’t working that day. I asked her when she was scheduled to come in, and she had to go talk to the other server again. This time, while they talked, the girl I’d been talking to drummed her fingers on the table. She had really long fingernails and when they hit the table, bubbles came up from the table (like the soap bubbles little kids blow). She came back and said Joan was scheduled for Saturday night. I thanked her, and as I walked out, a customer gave me a five-dollar-bill. I guess he thought I was a server and was trying to tip me? I went back to the bar and gave it to the girl there, because I guess in my dreams I’m very honest.