Date: 12/9/2020
By alessbd
I only remember little bits and pieces of my dream First I remember being on a bus and the driver stopped and had a piece of paper and said “is there an aless on this bus?” And I was like “yeah that’s me...” and she was like “yeah so you tested positive for covid” and I was like “oh ... oh god ok” and I put on my mask and everything while everyone was staring at me it was so weird Then somehow I was on a train but it wasn’t going in the direction I wanted it to so I got out and pulled it? With my body? In the right direction and it was so weirdly easy Then in the last part I was in some strange underground bunker with a Hispanic looking guy I didn’t recognize and we were just having wild insane sex and I was being super dominant which is not characteristic of me at all. And it was so hot and it felt so good but the whole thing had an undertone of guilt bc I knew I was cheating on Magnus and I wasn’t truly enjoying it but I also couldn’t stopped. Then Magnus actually came into the room and also Diego of all people and Diego seemed more surprised than Magnus did. Then I sort of guiltily/angrily explained myself, at one point saying the the Hispanic guy “I don’t even remember your name” and he was like “Louie” and I was like “aight” but it was weird Magnus didn’t seem upset at all he just seemed like he was taking everything as a big joke. Then I said “ok I want everyone to leave except for Magnus” and then I woke up :\\ not a very fun dream