Date: 10/11/2018
By ultro21
it was like I was some rich guy traveling. I was hanging out with a friend of sorts. we were going down this hill side with stories and a gas station. next thing I know we are traveling on the side of a rail road track. we just kept driving with our car and such. then we go further down and I see prisoners on a train trying to get out and such. 2 tracks help Male and female prisoners. then a woman says in another car on the road in between the tracks. " dont judge them there are always second chances. your a hypocrite because you also got second chances". then there was some song being sung by them. I dont know how it went but it was sad. then we got to my friends place or was it??? for some reason it seemed like i was right across from them and we both had big houses with 10 rooms. I gave my friend a transformers poster as a gift as my dad gave me the same poster so I passed it down to him. then for some reason I saw all of his kids. apparently I was spinning the night. so I go into a guest room and then I woke up. this was a very weird dream.