Date: 4/28/2024
By nicolezdzieba
I’m standing in my kitchen with Brody, Blake, and Audrey, who I’m holding. We hear the front door open and I look at the guys and say, “Who the heck is at my house?” I peer around the corner and see a woman with blonde hair standing in the window and wonder if it’s Taylor Volkens. I then notice that whoever it is has parked a black SUV on my front porch. The girl eventually walks in, but with the sunlight behind her, she just looks like a shadowy figure. As my eyes adjust, I realize it’s Allison Stevens. She looks embarrassed as she asks if she can use our bathroom and I smile, laugh, and say, “Go ahead!” Josh Stevens eventually appears in the foyer and I suddenly have a hard time remembering whether they have a baby or if Allison is pregnant (in real life, they have a one year old). I end up handing Audrey to him and am immediately angry as he starts kissing her face. I turn to Brody and make a face … I’m in a kitchen somewhere with my family and the Renes. Josh is talking to one of the babies when Blake starts joking around in a way that insinuates that Josh only cares about the babies and not him. They start going back and forth, and things get slightly tense. I try to take this by saying to Elliott, “It’s because you’re cuter than everyone else! Except Audrey. You guys are tied.”