Basket Case. 😝

Date: 6/13/2020

By amandalyle

I was sitting around with a bunch of friends when one of them pulled out this gigantic mushroom, which had other tiny mushroom growing off it. “Wanna do shrooms?” She said. My husband shook his head and said it was a firm no. I said “maybe.” I had work in a few hours and needed to concentrate. “Oh, the trip won’t last for long. Just take a little bit.” She said, putting a small button mushroom into the palm of my hand. I swallowed it and then waited. The next thing I knew, I was on the floor in this dark room. The mafia came in and sternly told me to get on the bed. I did as they told me and climbed on this gurney. They strapped me in so I couldn’t move. “You need to take your glasses off.” The scary mafia dude snapped. (I don’t even wear glasses) Someone was on a gurney next to me and told me not to worry, I could get new ‘eyes’ on the NHS. “What colour would you like?” They asked. “Green.” I replied. I was then wheeled away by this large scary man. He jabbed a needle into my arm and I was out like a light. I woke up at work. I was with one of my service users (Margaret) We were in town and she was as happy as a clam because the charity shops had reopened. She was like a excited kid at Christmas and didn’t know which one to go in first. In the end, she decided she didn’t want to go in ANY and so we started to walk home. As we did so, she turned into a monkey and hopped up into my arms for a cuddle. She then turned into a big fluffy dog and ran off. I was about to chase after her, but I told myself that she was an adult and able to make her own decisions. I, then, seemed to go back to being trapped in what appeared to be a mental institution. The old, scary kind. I was in the corridor minding my own business, when this frightening looking guy kept passing by and screaming in my face. He was really starting to piss me off, so I decided to go out for a walk through this neighbourhood. This guy, I once went to school with, Jamie Campbell, decided to tag along. He had this video camera and kept filming random people like some kind of creepy perve. There were loads of kids out, splashing around in paddling pools, in the hot summer sun. I told him he should put the camera away, as it was a bit inappropriate. He listened and packed it back in his bag. But rather than film, he kept going up to these groups of youths and trying to be friendly with them. “Jamie! Let’s go.” I called to him, but he didn’t listen. I walked down the road, minus my creepy friend, and eventually ended up bumping into my husband. My son, Alex, was with him. I smiled at him and he cheekily flipped me the middle finger. I wasn’t overly shocked, but I did tell him it wasn’t a nice thing to do to his mum. When I turned around, my husband had gone. I saw a betting shop and assumed he’d snuck off in there. I was beginning to get really angry... but then he walked out of the toilets. We walked, hand in hand, together with little Alex, just exploring the sights and scenery. We passed this huge swimming pool. It was very vintage. Hadn’t been updated in decades. It was also very pink. It made my skin crawl. “Let’s get out of here.” I said to my husband. Next scene; I was at the house of a ‘trouple’ - three guys who were in a romantic relationship with one another. They seemed happy enough. It didn’t shock me in any way. This chinese dude was showing me this sculpture he was making out of a vintage barbie bed(?!). “Oh my god! I had one just like this.” I said, grasping it in my hands. “Nooooo!” He snapped, “it’s too precious to touch!” There was also a sheet of paper with a strange pattern on. He was equally protective over this too and wouldn’t let me so much as look at it. Next scene; I was in this old attic searching for something (but can’t, for the life of me, remember what?!) when I came across all these papers. I started reading through them. They were very old. Written by a woman who was in the middle of a world war (I can’t remember which one). “These must cost a fortune!” I thought to myself. I tried to gather them all up in my arms, but they kept flying everywhere. Next scene; There was a knock on the window. It was some random older lady who I didn’t know from Adam. (Talking of Adams) “Can you give this to Adam?.” She asked, passing me over the ugliest gnome ornament I had ever seen. “Yeah, sure... but I don’t know who Adam is.” I replied. “He’ll be coming over at Christmas!” She said, walking away. I was going to say that I didn’t know Adam and I certainly didn’t invite him over for Christmas, but she had now gone. Off on her merry-well way.