Digital art, As the family drives home, their car suddenly loses power, forcing them to push it through a road strewn with debris and struggle up a hill, only to be confronted by a stream of water flowing down, until a blinding flash of light and a massive explosion indicate the horrifying truth - a nuclear weapon has been detonated nearby, and as they seek shelter in their car, a series of devastating blasts rock the surrounding area, leaving them with no choice but to navigate the aftermath, their bodies deteriorating from radiation exposure, and the agonizing decision of how to face their inevitable demise.


Date: 8/6/2023

By thetruecall

I’m driving home with my family when the car loses power for some reason. I start trying to push the car home, but for some reason there is a bunch of debris in the road. As I’m trying to push the car up a hill a stream of water starts flowing down around us and I’m unable to push it any further. Stephanie and the boys remain in the car. Suddenly there is a great flash of light in the sky and we feel a tremendous explosion north of us and a blast of heat. I jump on my family and shove them down in the car. I realize a nuclear weapon has been detonated a few miles north of us. I try to push the boys between what appear to be some mattresses in the vehicle in the car. We feel a tremendous concussive explosion hit the car. I look up and see a mushroom cloud extending over us. I feel the heat rising rapidly in the air around us an hope we are far enough away from the blast to avoid a lethal level of heat. Several more nuclear bombs then explode in a circle around Kansas City. After the explosions end we manage to walk home. None of the electronics work at the house. All of us are thirsty and we gulp down water from bottles sitting out. I am so angry that we weren’t home during the explosions where we could have taken shelter in the basement. I notice the skin from my fingers is starting to slough off. There is a black area of missing flesh beneath my wife’s left eye. I realize we are all dying. I start to consider whether we should allow the boys to suffer and die horribly from acute radiation sickness, or if we should end it ourselves.