Another night of terrible dreams

Date: 3/11/2022

By alessbd

First part I was Sela? And my mom died. And then I had to go to the hospital where I had to tell my two sisters that she had died. But in the hospital our aunt had also just died. So our family was absolutely devastated. And that feeling of just scream-crying in my dreams is always so visceral and heart-wrenching Next part I was with Magnus and a couple of his friends. And I had absolutely no idea why but he was really really mad at his parents. So he was going to blow up their cars. And it wasn’t like he was going to do it secretly or anything. They were there and were going to helplessly watch him do it. It was like some sort of demonstration he was putting on. And me and all his friends were standing in solidarity with him so we were all holding hands around the cars so his parents couldn’t access them - not that they were trying to anyway. They were kind of just watching us helplessly. Anyway, I said it was like a demonstration bc Magnus had this big speech he had prepared. So we were all listening to his speech, but as it continued, he started insulting me more and more for some reason. I started to suspect he was leading up to something and I got more and more angry. So I took a gallon of gas he was holding, smashed it on the ground and screamed “what are you doing???? You better not be going where I think you’re going…” and he got all quiet and teary-eyed so I knew he was about to break up with me. Again I was doing that dramatic scream-crying that often comes up in my dreams and I was trying so hard in vain to get him to come to his senses but he was pretty steadfast. It also didn’t make things better that his friends were all just standing there awkwardly but they were of course on his side

AI generated interpretation Based on the content of the dream, it appears that you may be experiencing a sense of loss and betrayal in your waking life. The death of your mother and aunt in the dream may symbolize feelings of grief or sadness that you may be experiencing in your waking life, while the presence of Magnus and his friends may point towards the importance of relationships and social support. The fact that you are in a position where you have to break the news to your sisters may indicate that you feel as though you are responsible for holding your family together during difficult times. Similarly, your role in attempting to stop Magnus from destroying his parents' cars could suggest that you have a deep sense of loyalty to those around you and that you are willing to put yourself in harm's way to defend those you love. Ultimately, the dream may be indicative of a need for deeper emotional connections and a desire for those around you to be more present and supportive during times of turmoil. Consider taking the time to reach out to loved ones and seek out those who can help you work through any difficult emotions you may be experiencing.