The One Where I Get Woke

Date: 10/25/2023

By nicolezdzieba

I’m on a flooded highway, swimming against a current with a group of people that are apparently my family. There are enormous whales swimming around us … I’m in a room with Christian Shepard from Lost and a woman that’s supposed to be his wife. I organize baby clothes in a closet as they argue about something. Christian ends up telling her that she’s the reason he has a bad relationship with his son. He then says something about how he’s finally leaving her and starts laughing. I notice that his teeth are much worse than I thought. They leave the room, and I think about Lost and wonder how I never noticed that Jack’s mom was problematic. I wonder if this is what was intended by the writers … I’m getting in a car with my dad, Renee, and a black girl I apparently know when I notice a couple of Hispanic guys in tank tops and baggy shorts calling her the N-word. I quickly look at Renee and say, “Nope.” We get out of the car and I start telling the guys off. Suddenly, one of them turns into a chubby, light-skinned black girl (she’s almost yellow) with glasses who’s saying something else that seems racist to me. I say something about how being light-skinned doesn’t make her any better than anyone else. I then go off on some tangent about how “in certain places in Africa, the darker you are, the better you are” as my dad and Renee nod in agreement.