Digital art 4k scene from a movie: DALL-E, generate an image of a midget assassin trying to disguise their short stature with heels and lifts as they walk around a school building searching for a soda machine with cheaper prices.

Midget Assassin

Date: 4/10/2022

By blucanary

I was working at a grocery store, but I was still a kid. Some stuff was delivered to me and ..someone a brother or something ( he had the vibes of a brother, but he wasn't my real life brother ). There were large boxes and bags. My brother yelled at me not to open any of it but I was already in the process of opening one of the bags. It was full of dead kittens ( dead kittens amongst a bunch of Totinos frozen pizzas ). I began crying hysterically. The store manager then announced to the entire store that my whole family had been killed ( it was the managers way of telling them to leave me alone while I processed what was going on, he wasn't being a dick or anything ). A large freezer was among the stuff sent. I carefully took the ties off ( holding it shut ) and lifted the lid. It was full of my family's bodies, chopped into pieces and shoved in... Fast forward to me as an adult. My friend Wayne invited me over to her place. I went, and the front door was ajar, as if she was waiting for me ( it was an apartment. light blue & white apt.. 2nd floor.. the apt door on the left side of hers had a pizza in front of the door with the name 'Debbie' on it. My mums name is Debbie, but it wasn't hers. I had a mental visual of the 'Debbie' it was for.. Short, round, loud woman w/ dark curly hair all puffed out.. ) I ran inside Wayne's. For some reason I had lost my clothes and was now naked. I was trying to cover myself but wasn't very successful. Her dad and brother Ron were there ( her dad was a minister in the dream ). I went straight to her room , walking backwards as I tried to cover my breasts ( or at least the nipples ) and my "down there area" with my arms and hands the whole time, lol. Wayne didnt care that I had run in naked, and just handed me a dollar bill and told me to look under the dresser, that she had a surprise for me. It was xanax, crushed up & ready to snort ( hence the dollar bill ). It spilled off the little piece of ripped paper it was sitting on as I pulled it out from beneath the dresser. She was disappointed for me, but I found a full bar in the carpet to take so that was cool I guess. I told her I hadn't done this in a very long time, I just didn't really take anything anymore, but.. ( after running past a minister and his son completely naked though, who wouldn't need an anti-anxiety pill? Lol! ) After that she left for work. Her job had her working in a parade that day that was going past the house ( the apt was now a house... I kinda questioned this even in the dream, but decided to just let it go and go with the flow, more or less ).. Her dad came into the room, looked at me and started asking me a question ( it seemed he was going to ask if I was ready to go watch the parade with them ).. but I wasn't ready to go out, I was just in a robe, so he just mumbled smthng then shut the door and left. He was still embarrassed abt earlier and was probably a bit disgusted by me and my "heathen behavior". I get it. Understandable. Him and Ron went outside to watch the parade with the rest of the neighborhood. I got dressed and went out front as well. I watched the parade go by from a snow-filled ditch. It was nice. The whole yard was decorated for Christmas. There was an end section of the dream... I was a midget. The world kinda seemed apocalyptic. Dirty. Dusty. Polluted. Everything was in ruins. I had someone take a picture of me... there were a bunch of ppl in the background, all at a distance.. the camera was at my feet, angled up, as to make my legs look longer. This was to make me appear a "normal height". It worked. Then I had to meet up with the person the picture was for. I wondered how I would pull this off - obviously they would realize I was a midget ( I was trying to get a job as an assassin or something like that, so being a midget would be a major disadvantage as I would not only not be able to run very quick when necessary, but I also would not be able to "blend in" in a crowd. There was also the fact that I would not be strong nor big enough to carry all the guns and equipment needed for certain jobs.. ). Regardless of the disadvantages my height posed, I wanted this job. So I wore shoes with big heels & lifts in an attempt to disguise my short stature. Amazingly, it worked. He didn't realize I was a midget. We walked around what was basically an average middle school type building. We were trying to find a soda machine that didn't cost $1.50 for a soda. I was livid about the sodas costing so much bc just the day before they had been cheaper. The machines were changed overnight to these more expensive ones. I only wanted to spend like 75 cents . The first machine, even though it was $1.50, did have cream soda though, so that was cool... I love cream soda, and machines rarely have that flavor. But at $1.50 I would only have enough for the ONE now, and I knew I would need one for later as well. Very important matters, I know. Lol, dreams are weird.

AI generated interpretation This dream is quite complex and reveals underlying emotions and themes that may be present in your subconscious mind. The dream starts off with you as a child working in a grocery store, representing a sense of responsibility and possibly feeling overwhelmed by certain circumstances. The dead kittens in the bag among the Totinos frozen pizzas signify a mix of innocence and cruelty, perhaps reflecting a situation in your waking life where you feel emotionally distraught by something unexpected or traumatic. The sudden announcement of your family's death by the store manager may symbolize a fear of loss, abandonment, or being blindsided by serious life events. The imagery of your family's bodies chopped into pieces in the freezer further emphasizes feelings of powerlessness and fear of disintegration or losing the support and connection of loved ones. Moving forward to your adult self, the recurring theme of nudity in the dream indicates vulnerability, openness, and a desire for acceptance or validation. Losing your clothes and trying to cover yourself but feeling exposed could represent feelings of insecurity or a fear of judgment in your waking life. The Xanax and desire for escape from anxiety may suggest a need for coping mechanisms or a desire for relief from stressful situations. The parade and Christmas decorations symbolize a sense of community, tradition, and celebration amidst chaos and uncertainty. It may reflect a longing for connection, comfort, or stability in times of turmoil or change. The final part of the dream where you are a midget in an apocalyptic world trying to disguise your height to fit in as an assassin reveals a struggle with identity, acceptance, and adaptability. Wanting the job despite physical limitations signifies ambition, determination, and a drive to overcome obstacles, even if it means masking your true self or facing challenges head-on. Overall, this dream seems to reflect underlying fears, desires, and struggles you may be experiencing in your waking life. It may be helpful to reflect on these themes and explore any unresolved emotions or conflicts that could be influencing your subconscious mind.