Crazy Counsellors, Rustler’s Hamburgers and a Chocolate Jigsaw Puzzle. 🧩 🍫

Date: 4/28/2020

By amandalyle

I had finished work and had agreed to give my old childhood neighbour (and her grownup son) a lift across town. As we headed across town, we made awkward small talk until I realised I was going the wrong way and had to turn around. Eventually, we arrived at this building. “Why don’t you come in?” My neighbour asked. “Yeah, okay.” I replied. It turned out to be some sort of counselling group session in which everyone took it in turns to share something that was troubling them. There was only one counsellor. I found her to be a bit of an emotional wreck. Rather than listening to everyone else’s troubles, she kept telling us her own. At one point, she broken down in tears. I pulled a chair closer to her and put my arm on her to comfort her, but she brushed it off. I remember feeling a bit insulted by this. I no longer wanted to share anything in this group. In the background, I could hear my son ranting and swearing (much like he does when he’s playing Fortnite) “Shall we end it there for today?” The counsellor asked the room, “it’s getting a bit noisy!” My cheeks flushed red in embarrassment. I put my hand up coyly and said “that’s my son. I can tell him to be quiet, if you like?” She pulled out all these puzzles and chocolate bars and told me that I could go get them. I called the boys in and they tucked straight into the chocolate as if they hadn’t eaten for a week. Bizarrely, the puzzle was made of chocolate too but my son had eaten most of the pieces. Next scene; I was desperate for the toilet but my husband was in the bath. He told me he wouldn’t be that long, because he always gets too hot... but he seemed to take forever. I kept pacing up and down, impatiently, waiting for the door to unlock. Next scene; I was passing by a white van, when I noticed there were all these children inside. They were half dressed and all skin and bones. This black child ran over to me and threw its arms around me. I gave him/her a big squeeze. “Look how cute this kid is!” I told my husband. “Nope, we don’t need any more!” He replied. Feeling sad, I placed the kid back down on the ground and waved goodbye. Next scene; I was around my mums. I think I was complaining about my daughter again (she’s been playing up recently!) My mum brought through a plate of Rustlers Hamburgers which looked squished and unappetising. “Why don’t you see if Phoebe would like one?” I asked. “Why don’t YOU?” He replied. “No, I’d rather not. She hates me right now!” I said, despairingly.