Digital art 4k scene from a movie: Saeran designed a futuristic vehicle that was a mix between a Segway scooter and a car, and the protagonist eagerly awaited their turn to test drive it under the cover of darkness to evade mysterious pursuers.

"When I visit you in your dreams, I wont be a demon but an angel"

Date: 8/18/2019

By blucanary

~Saeran (from the mobile game Mystic Messenger) was my cousin (but I was still very much in love with him). He built these transportation vehicles that were like a cross between segway scooters and actual cars (crossovers). We had to stand on a skateboard-like footpath while holding the handlebars and pressing the accelerator or brake like a Segway (the passenger/s [it cd fit one passenger comfortably but you cd hv 2 passengers if you all squeezed in/on] had to stand behind you and hold onto your waist) w/ the outside shell looking a lot like a thin car. It sounds stupid, lol, but in the dream it was actually really cool!) ~I saved up my money and had him build one for me. He came over one night w/ the finished vehicle for me to test out. There was something pertaining to some weird law, like he cdnt sell more than 2 in a single month (or he cdnt paint all the ones sold in one month the same color - something stupid like that) so I had to wait an extra few days for mine or I cdnt get the actual color I wanted. It was something small and stupid, and I cdnt believe he actually was so adament abt obeying this law. He was such a "bad boy"; illegal hacking, kidnapping ppl, drugging them, beating them, hvng killed before; but *this* rule/law he's worried abt following?! ~Anyway, his friend came in his own vehicle (let's call them Car-Ways, lol) to pick me up and take me for a test drive. It was very dark out and we were driving down these narrow, poorly lit roads w sparse buildings and light traffic. Driving down one such road Saeran and his friend Frankie (a short guy w/ dark hair and a bad attitude - I think he was Italian) noticed some creeps in similar vehicles following us. Frankie was in front of us. He pulled off the road into what was basically a big empty field (it looked like a golf course w/out the holes to play). We followed. There was a hill between the road and the part of the field we drove to. The hill was almost big enough to hide us from the road, but not quite. Frankie turned his lights off and started doing large donuts really fast. Again, we followed suit. I was being pushed against the back of the CarWay bc we were going so fast. I asked Saeran what the hell was going on, had Frankie lost his mind, and what were we doing copying him?!? Saeran explained that this is what you shd do out here when you think you might be in trouble. Doing donuts like this will take away just enough grass & dirt to allow our vehicle(s) to be fully hidden behind the hill, so the ppl driving down the road looking for us wont be able to see us. So we just need to quickly do donuts, then park right up against hill, inside the donut marks we made, w/ our lights off; watching over the hill to see when the danger passes. "Smart", I thought to myself. But then guys in black CarWay-like vehicles drove up onto the hill. I said to Saeran, "Isnt that them?!" He said it wasnt the same guys, but I thought he was wrong. These guys were eyeing us and giving us nasty looks so we decided to drive off. ~Instead of going over the hill the way we came (where these guys now were) we rode off behind the hill. There was a small park area w/ bbqs and benches that we had to drive through to get back onto a road. In the park area were these biker guys. Some on their bikes, a couple standing near the benches w/ one foot on the bench seat, their arms resting against their raised leg, beer in hand, talking to another actually sitting on the bench, also w/ a beer in hand. And some were in trucks, with still a few others unloading something from said trucks. As we began to drive through the front part of this park area, the bikers watched us (and made sure we *knew* they were watching) while the guys in the black CarWays watched from behind. A couple of the bikers started following after us (we had to drive very slow bc there were no roads and no lights) but another one grabbed them by their arms and said "Let them pass". I didnt quite trust them, but that was still somewhat reassuring. We almost made it out without incident, we just had to drive pass the trucks and the bikers unloading them. One biker threw a box in front of us, kind of just f(_)cking with us. It was easily avoidable, simply drive around it. No biggie. But despite that, it pissed Frankie off BAD! Like I said before, short guy, short temper. Probably Italian. He gets out of his CarWay and runs up to these two bikers, yelling and cussing. The one who threw the box walked off laughing. Another biker guy stayed behind (he was getting old, with a big gray moustache and beard, but still young enough to hold his own! Tough! On the thinner side w a plain gray t-shirt, jeans and black biker boots). He at first tried to calm Frankie down a bit before Frankie got himself killed. But Frankie wdnt listen, he was too mad. So the biker dude just punched him! Hard, right in the face. It looked like it hurt so bad! Saeran and I laughed and cheered for the biker dude (we knew Frankie was in the wrong, and we didnt want anything happening to us, so we made sure Biker Dude knew we weren't rooting for Frankie just bc he was w/ us! Lol)! We got back in our Car-Way (we had gotten out when Frankie had gotten out of his, w/ the hope of luring him back to his vehicle before he got too out of hand. However he got out of hand so quick that all we cd do was stand there and watch). We were laughing the whole time. Saeran got behind me instead of in front and told me to drive, fast, get out of here before things go south. I told him I wasnt comfortable driving in that situation. If something happened and we needed quick maneuvers, I wdnt be able to pull them off. Very understanding, he says okay and that he'll try to do it from this position. I told him I meant that I wd get behind him, not that he had to drive w/ me standing in front. But we continued on this way until we got home. Tired, we went to Saerans house and straight to his bed. He pulled the blankets over the two of us and I snuggled up to him. I was worried abt what my aunt might think if she found us like this in the morning. But a part of me also didnt care too terribly much. I was just happy to be that close to him, and hoped we cd get closer.

AI generated interpretation This dream contains several interesting themes and symbols that can provide insight into your subconscious mind. Firstly, the presence of Saeran from Mystic Messenger as your cousin, whom you are still in love with in the dream, suggests a complex emotional connection or unresolved feelings towards someone in your waking life. The cousin relationship may symbolize a close yet forbidden bond, hinting at feelings of love or attraction that you may be suppressing or struggling to acknowledge. The transportation vehicles that Saeran builds in the dream, combining elements of Segway scooters and cars, may represent a desire for freedom, independence, and exploration. Your decision to save up money and have him build one for you could reflect a sense of empowerment and taking control of your own path in life. The restriction on selling only two vehicles per month due to a minor law may symbolize the tension between following rules and breaking free from constraints, mirroring a struggle between conformity and rebellion in your own life. The encounter with creeps following you in similar vehicles and the subsequent escape through driving maneuvers suggest a sense of danger, vulnerability, and the need for quick thinking in the face of adversity. Saeran's explanation about doing donuts to hide from pursuers implies a cunning and strategic approach to handling threats, showcasing a resourcefulness and adaptability in challenging situations. The interactions with the bikers in the park area further symbolize encounters with different aspects of your personality or external influences. The aggression and conflict with Frankie, the short-tempered friend, may represent inner turmoil, unresolved anger, or struggles with impulsivity. The biker who punches Frankie to maintain order could symbolize a need for assertiveness, setting boundaries, and standing up for yourself in the face of aggression or conflict. Lastly, the intimacy and closeness with Saeran in his bed at the end of the dream suggest a desire for emotional connection, comfort, and vulnerability. The worry about societal judgment or familial expectations hints at feelings of guilt, shame, or fear of rejection related to expressing your true emotions or desires. Overall, this dream may reflect a mix of emotions, desires, and conflicts in your waking life, including hidden feelings of love or attraction, the need for independence and control, the struggle between conformity and rebellion, navigating challenges and dangers, asserting boundaries, and seeking emotional connection and intimacy. Reflecting on these themes and exploring their connections to your personal experiences and inner thoughts can help you gain deeper insights into your subconscious mind and emotions.