Date: 1/31/2024
By nicolezdzieba
It’s nighttime. I’m at my parents’ house when I see a scruffy little white dog on the ground. I go to pick it up when I see another tiny dog. I go to ask my mom whose dogs these are when she shows me a tiny corgi puppy whose eyes aren’t even open yet. I also realize I’m holding a tiny baby girl in my hands and somehow remember that both of them belong to the Friths. I think about how I miss my babies being newborns. I’m vaguely confused as to why the Friths would leave their newborn and their puppy with my mom … It’s nighttime. I’m with Brody in what looks like Uncle Michael and Aunt Ronny’s old house when I see a couple of Valentine’s cards on the counter and realize they’re for me from my mom and Renee. One has Snoopy holding a goldfish in a bag. I look more closely and notice that there’s also a tiny Snoopy in the bag holding another tiny Snoopy in a bag. I love it … I’m watching some kind of behind-the-scenes Harry Potter footage. In it, a tiny version of Hagrid runs around the courtyard during the shooting of the Battle of Hogwarts scene. He’s screaming something about “Bagman” (a character who only appears in the books). At some point, I end up seeing some sort of graph where interviews of the cast are rated based on how interesting they are. The top one is of Robert Pattinson, followed by Daniel Radcliffe.