Giant Spider Sex/Body Horror

Date: 12/29/2020

By leusid

Lmao okay so. We were walking along this spit of sand (dune?), and there was a giant spider on land across a narrow gap of water. I was like that spider can probably cross that gap so let's walk on the other side and try and hide behind the slope of the dune, right along the shore of whatever large body of water we were bordering. I was hoping it wouldn't realize it had seen us and come across to get us, and it didn't. Then sometime after that, there was something about how when people's "meters" were full enough (horny meter? lol), they can go defeat the spider... By fucking it I guess?? So I saw that my meter was pretty full (I didn't actually feel horny lmao it was just a readout), and so I was like okay and teleported directly over top of the spider. Before it realized what was going on, I was using a string/rope that I was holding in front of me and pulling upwards, pulling this spider headfirst straight into my vagina lmfao. I had to make sure to get its head trapped before it realized what was happening or it might bite/eat me. Also my vagina was like extending downward well below my body and swallowing this spider like a fucking snake or something. Thankfully none of this actually felt like anything, it was just stuff that was happening. Anyway I'm sorry. Lol.