Dreamt I inherited my grandparents' condo. Somehow, the backyard was on the second floor, and I hadn't known about it previously. Lou had found it, howe...
Only fragments of dreams remembered this morning. My sister needing me to take her to work in another city. Needing me to bring her food on her dinner b...
I'm a young boy, playing outside in a countryish area of mountains, behind a large barn. Suddenly a huge UFO crashes behind the barn. My friend and I pi...
I know I had many long dreams last night, but can only remember a few fragments: ...Being in a tall sexy mech suit and being excited to go to a futuris...
For some reason I was in a hotel doing tech support via the hotel phone. I was talking to three older ladies, trying to solve an issue. I don't remember...
I was definitely a man in this dream. I vaguely remember some stalker girl being at my door - I lived in a sort of log cabin or something. I tried to tu...