One of my co-workers was sitting on the bench of this totally empty clothes store waiting for an employee to come back i told him i came for a winter co...
I was at the bar with my brother and i suddenly made a juicy fart which turned out to be a huge pile that was getting out of my pants i even had some sh...
At my job they passed around a list saying those who got the job and the salary augmentation and my name was on it and i had a huge smile while pretendi...
My cat is pregnant for real In my dream my cat had her baby cat and the two front legs of the baby were reversed as is they were broken i was so freake...
I started my car then like one minute later on the road my rpm goes up to 9000 on its own and i press the gas pedal to get it back down and it work . Y...
I had a new car in my dream but i kept my old car which had the same key but when i locked the doors of one the other car unlocked so i was worried abou...
Three cops car were following me , when they put up their lights i was about to pull over but the thing is i pulled an entire car out of my pocket to pu...