I dreamt I got to meet Tom Homan, our badass Border Czar. I was able to hug him, and I said, “OMG, I just hugged Tom Homan!” The other people standing...
I was in a store. There was a box that was empty in a case that had a bunch of reading glasses in it. I walked around looking at things. A strange looki...
I dreamt there were a bunch of chem trails being made at the same time and I watched as several planes flying close to each other to make the chemtrail ...
I dreamt I told an incredibly handsome man I know, that phrase this morning. 🥰
Dreamt this in the next few days after the aforementioned and journaled Dark MAGA hat dream I had of my friend telling me about his hat. I was excited t...
My friend was telling me he was getting the black MAGA hat in the mail soon. He had already ordered it. I told him about the dream today. He really want...
I dreamt that President Donald J. Trump was showing me a decent sized book filled with pictures and info. Pleasant dream. #GodSavedPresidentTrumpAgain🙏...
I remember standing in front of a full length mirror and admiring how my work outs have been shaping me.
I remember it was a pleasant afternoon. I met up with a friend I’ve only seen in person a couple of times. I think I was trying to stay safe and feel be...
…he walked into the room I was in and started saying something. His voice sounded funny after I had noticed he was about a foot or so shorter than norma...
I dreamt I was stretching and easily doing the splits, like back when I was in gymnastics. 🤸♀️ My husband said I was kind of doing them in my sleep!!...
It was a bright Blk sunny day out. I remember seeing a familiar looking pool cue case. It was perfectly balanced on a ledge above a clear glass/plexigl...
I was walking in the dark. There was a man to my right. He was incredibly handsome, looked like Jesus if I had to name him. He brought his right arm out...
We were with some other people and noticed animals that were noticing the eclipse was starting. Saw a woman with shortish orangish- blond hair.
My husband and I were working on a project. I remember there being part of the instructions that said we needed scotch tape. I just found some the day ...
The pastor gave me a CEV Bible. I remember very clearly, him handing it to me with his right hand. I think he had a brown corduroy suit jacket :-? Not s...
Journaling to get back into the habit now that I can get into my account again.
I was eating a bowl of salad in the dark. I looked down and the room got brighter because of the TV. I then saw a skinny little worm like fish wiggling...
My husband and I were standing in a building. Seemed like a hotel room. We were back in the room and looking out the window 🪟 Craig “Sawman” Sawyer wa...
Just remembered this dream earlier when I saw that the same persons rocket 🚀 ride post I had dreamt about was taking about how he had received no DMs f...
I was meditating whilst on my way to sleep the other night in a shared experiment with Ocean. We were going to try to meet up in our dreams at a fun pla...
Yesterday, I woke up after dreaming that they were actively grabbing the debris and bringing it onto whatever they were standing on. Probably a boat.
I remember it being dark outside. I saw these areas that lit up a beautiful yellowish sunlight kind of glow in the shape of a shuttlecock 🏸/birdie from...
I saw a woman I thought was a cyclops before in a different dream. Brunette. Light skin. I didn’t get to see her straight on though in that other dream....
There were some things that the dog couldn’t have like onions and stuff that fell on the ground. I didn’t want the dog to get sick or anything worse so ...
He was quite a bit taller than me. Big comparatively. Dream from a few days ago that I kept forgetting to log. Goodnight.
Dreamt I was pregnant. There was something in my belly. I remembered that I felt bloated bc I had just had 2 menses that I could remember. I thought may...
I kept forgetting to journal this one. A management type person was going to introduce me to another member of our team. Dark hair, light skin, female....
But they were lower down to the ground that what we’ve seen already. I forgot to journal it from the last 2-3 days.
(Forgot to finish journaling this from the other day.) It was in a darkened room after the UFO convention. There were cool lights & people were chatting...
I was looking in the mirror when I walked by it & noticed I had gray/grey roots on my head. 😂 I have only a couple of gray hairs right now. My grandma...
She kept talking. That was fine. I talked some too. Then she started putting more lipstick on. I thought that was funny bc she still had enough on. Now ...
I was running my finger along it a few times. Loss of sensation My back is messing up today, down that leg. 😭 🛌
Probably dreamt this bc the Wounded Warrior Project sent us an envelope with birthday cards to send to veterans. Dreamt days ago, but forgot to journal...
I dreamt there were these two people. The man kissed the woman, then she ran into the next room and changed her clothes soooooo fast, like she was in a ...
(Dreamt ‘05-‘06) I was w/a group of people. We got a warning and everyone went into the underground little cubicle like things (like on those planes w/l...
Inside of people who had the vid vaccines. They were like tubular strange root looking things, with missing areas in the middle. Some were found in the ...
I dreamt I put one of the Watermelon 🍉 Sour Patch Kids candies in my mouth. I don’t remember tasting it though. I woke up and saw the box I bought is...
Dreamt last night, I was up to my neck sitting on one of the benches in the hot springs. I remember thinking, “Wow! I’m sitting down in here!” Earlier...
They were blueish-grey. Adorable little croc like shoes. They looked comfy. They were for my almost born granddaughter. I was smiling.
He was saying, ‘there must “have been Iowaska hiding in the water and wine”. (Which is actually lyrics from “Bullet Train to Iowa” by Puscifer.) “It was...
I dreamt I saw another lady with really long hair standing outside in the sunshine ☀️ somewhere near me and some other people. We saw each other and smi...
I dreamt I had my American 🇺🇸 flag pants on. I was standing there in sunlight enjoying the day 🥰🇺🇸🖖🇺🇸🫡🇺🇸🫶🏼🇺🇸 (Dream from a few days ago, ...
(I’m sure that if I did it was titled something else. Had the dream awhile ago. Many months at least.) Dream: I was standing next to someone looking in...
…and I saw Maye Musk show up and stand in front of a bunch of us as she waved and smiled looking quite happy. We were outside on a ship deck. I rememb...
Dreamt I had the insulated bag and was putting it in the vehicle to make sure I had it bc a woman was going to order some ice cream. I would be deliveri...
I remember it was bright outside and I was walking into the back of a yellow colored building. A few of us were walking up to and into the back of it. ...
I was in a vehicle that was driving itself, with my husband. Pretty sure it was a van bc I had to stand up to look out the front. We were traveling up a...
Saw my brother. He turned his head and had a tattoo on the side of his face. Then it was like a design that blackened his jaw.area. Looked like a tree a...
Saw a McCarty or McCarthy street sign. I forgot what the rest of the dream was now.
Saw two men walk around towards the front and passenger side of our vehicle. I was asking if they were twins. As I asked that, another one that looked...
Was traveling with my husband. Ran into strange bad people on a dark road we didn’t know. Had to drive off. Got far enough away, took a wrong turn and f...
My husband & I opened the garage door and, on a sunny ☀️ day, Dr. Julia Mossbridge and Elon Musk walked up with smiles on their faces and said, “Surpris...
I dreamt a person that I was aquatinted with awhile back (20 or so years ago), was relay to an old King named Carl Sagan. I thought that was cool to hav...
A man was laying on a brown beach. Arms at sides, legs together. Dark hair. Partly sunny. Something about a woman in a building not far from there. She...
A woman gently pointed out a symbol to me. It was a swastika. VERY ODD, never dreamt of those before or since. I woke up to go to the bathroom. Went bac...
I was in an airport. Felt like I needed to get away from something. I went near the terminal and then a smaller to medium sized plane came into view. Al...
My husband woke me up and I said, “The person I was with needed medical attention. He had scrubs on. He had dark hair and beige skin tone. He was maybe...
I remember seeing my mother-in-law and talking to her. Suddenly I realized that I was dreaming. Did the counting your fingers reality check. 5. Counted ...
I was watching a TV 📺. Looked just like Barack Obama. Then he turned his head and started telling all of these jokes and from a certain, occasionally a...
Had a dream that one of my new Tool shirts shrank. Was like a half shirt, showing my belly. Later edit: 3/14/22. Actually a precog dream bc my husband...
Dreamt that K. was trying on a white dress in front of me. It was too short. It fell only halfway over her butt. I mentioned how she couldn’t go anywher...
I dreamt I was standing outside. No snow on the ground. A green Ford pickup 🛻 drove by with things sticking up out of the back. (I’ve seen the truck b...
Saw R walking into the kitchen. He had his eyes closed for part of the time for some reason. Something about him giving back to the indigenous communiti...
I remember hearing it blow up from where we were standing in the dream.
Our friend chef was drawing on white pieces of paper. There were several sheets of paper that were already turned face down when I walked up. He starte...
I dreamt that I was hearing someone say that flight #2176 had crashed. Then my alarm went off and I woke up. Forgot to journal this morning so I’m doing...
My husband said I was talking in my sleep 💤 about some yard sales. He asked, “What does that have to do with anything?” I replied, “Elias Dayton.” Then...
Dreamt I was washing our Chi puppy with a washcloth. I made sure to get under her arms and all over her.
I remember being outside on a hill/mtn. Walking and talking to people. Then I realized I had to walk up a lot farther to get to this guy I was with. I ...
Folded in half then in half again. Lots of money. Taking up a whole section of my zippered purse. Thousands of dollars I’m assuming. Then there were lot...
Dreamt this morning/last night that my passenger seat belt worked in the van we just bought. It hasn’t been functional since we bought it day before yes...
I dreamt I was putting a puppy 🐕 sling on and then I put my purse strap over the top of the sling. Later edit: (10/9/21) It is indeed the way I put t...
Dreamt a man was telling me about a trip I could win to Mexico. “I’ve never been to Mexico.” I said. He kept talking about it into a microphone.
Woke up talking. I said, “Ophthalmology”. I woke up rubbing my eyes when I said that.
A girl of elementary school age held up a white card with earrings on them. There was a dark purple one that I liked. It was teardrop shaped. Unfortunat...
I dreamt there was a bag of white carrots. I didn’t know what parsnips looked like. My husband says they look like white carrots. We looked it up and t...
I distinctly remember putting lotion on my arms. I know it was a dream bc I don’t use much lotion anymore. Haven’t put it on my arms in a long time.
I was in a room with a couple of other women. One grabbed a lipstick and started taking off the plastic wrapper. I stood up and thought it was my new li...
I decided to put on my American Flag 🇺🇸 adult onesie pajamas with hoodie this morning before going over to moms house. When I put it on, I remembere...
I was just getting to some kind of school. I thought about how much more efficient it would be to be roller skating. I started moving my feet like that ...
I woke up saying, “I just asked about that.” My husband was awake and asked, “What?” “A phone call.” I said. Then my phone rang. It was my daughter. ...
I was in a bldg. my husband was there. One of my old bosses came over to me and started talking without social distancing. I noticed he didn’t have a ma...
My husband and I were selling a vehicle to another couple. They asked where the work was done on the vehicle. We told them it was all done at the factor...
Dreamt that JM told me that she saw a light in the sky. 🌌 I was all happy saying, “I was going to say to you, how I saw a light too!!”
I was dreaming there were several bags and backpacks that were mine that I was getting ready to put in the car. I had to get them from different parts o...
About being inside a building. Had some jewelry that I lost in a bag somehow. A sparkly timepiece. I know I did more in the dream but I cannot recall an...
Yesterday’s dream. There were birds separated in different areas. Each bird had a human next to it. The color brown. I think there were numbers.
Had four of them. Was carrying two on each arm. Was holding onto a man’s backpack too to help my left arm hold the bags up better to go downstairs. Ther...
Dreamt I was eating some of the Dole fruit cups that I recently purchased. It says it may contain pits or pit fragments since these ones have cherries. ...
But I got busy before I could journal due to waking a little late. I recalled the letters to one specific area in the dream after waking. Now I only rem...
Can’t really remember what was going on in my dreams. I know I dreamt though. Not very much. Journaling to stay in the habit! Hopefully something will j...
Dreamt that mom fell down. She was on the floor kind of sitting up. Propped up on one elbow. After waking today, my husband mentions that he dreamt th...
I was in a room. There were two big dogs on the bed. One was black and brown. The other was all black. The all black one came down to the end of the bed...
I was looking at our cart on Amazon. I thought 💭 “Am I dreaming?” Then I kept looking at the cart and thought it looked correct to waking life so I jus...
I was in a room. I had about 10 to 12 pieces of clothing that were new in the resealable bag without the boxes. I was going to put them in a cloth bag o...
We were in a building. Something was going on. Can’t remember what. Dad was there. A few other people were there. Wonder why I cannot recall very many d...
I just cannot remember what about. I recall a man talking to me. It was daylight. We were sitting down. Don’t remember what else.
There was a lady on a couch with two men. I was standing. She was telling us a story about President Harry Truman. How he did this and that. Something a...
Daylight and sunshine. Golden warm sunshine. That’s all I can remember right now.