I was still sleeping when my sister went out to work. Then in my dreams she was back and lifted the curtains and I said that it was not better that way.
One of the challengers from the Discovery Channel TV Reality Naked and Afraid was an actor and he was in an award ceremony. He was talking about his nex...
I was in a challenge against 5 other people in a remote island. We were the first man, sometimes friendly to each other and then not so much. I could no...
I saw a queen controlling water then a wall with several faces. One was still alive and the pictures were moving.
There was just few people in this big white hall and they all looked in despair. The walls moved and the floor was rising, no sense of orientation could...
I was in a room at first, but then I was in the middle of streets trying to escape from some bandits. It was very crowded, I thought I would not be noti...
I was back to my kindergarten school, I remember that corridor we used to access the classrooms, it was the same, how could I forget? But then I was so...
It is very rare I dream about people who have departed, but in a single night I felt the presence of three spirits. First I remember my father talking,...
I was some sort of an apprentice and I was replacing someone. I am not sure who though, but I felt that I was a replacement. There was this couple in m...