That one Jedi character was a pedofile and escape the police and ran off into the forest from his modern log cabin and then a mummy tried to eat my soul
The dream is a bit fuzzy and difficult to remember but there was a bomb created that once it goes off it releases a great surge of energy and temporaril...
We lived on a mostly water planet with a city below sea level, barrier breaks sea monsters get in and we evacuate on a large bridge across to another ci...
I had a dream that I was working for some organization that I guess protects humanity and other Allies from threats. We went to some planet and a few o...
I had a dream that I lived in Iraq with my family. We had to protect our village from ISIS and stuff. We trained with guns like ak47s and RPGs. A few ...
Had a good dream that Russia collapsed again... And the United States took over and made the world a better place
I fell asleep trying to stay aware and it actually worked cause 99% of the time I loose concentration and fall asleep normally. It felt so damn weird f...
Last night I had a dream that I was in a city during a big snow storm and the city was being evacuated because of flooding. We drove south to avoid the ...