was prepping for some red carpet event that was also a limelight event. time was short to get ready so i had to rush to get ready. amanda zeavey was the...
In a sport check on yonge, had some crazy colourful shoes on and was in the store with jackson a, and some others. maggie told me i needed to steal some...
Had limelight for a show again except limelight was taking place in a house. Specifically some altered version of my house. I was wearing a lavender min...
Playing cards at cottage w corbyn besson and amanda from instagram and some other people. corbyn kept winning and the red speaker was playing music. tha...
Can’t remember a lot about the first dream but i remember Maggie was there and maybe Jackson?? 2nd dream started in some sort of hockey arena, a big on...
I was at some house place for a family dinner but I wasn’t actually apart of that family it was just friends but I hadn’t met a lot of these people. I’m...
I was trapped in some big building with tons of other people, and the government was killing all the people in the building but whoever got out they wou...
somehow went into the big electronic VR world. started playing this game where 1 person was chasing 10ish other people in the woods and players had cert...
on beach somewhere, maybe LA. With blue Maya and 2 others. Had put on my editing insta story that i had missed k____ m____ thinking i had blocked him fr...
had ll again for wdw, was on some sort of hill. my meet and greet photo we were all smiling with out back slightly bent over using our hand as a shield ...
Kenzie was on someone’s instagram story with jacks baby lav and then she DROPPED the baby. somehow got on a boat w **m*l and his crew and it was v awkwa...
Doing a bio dissection with sophie m and sloane, outside the window why don’t we was having a concert so i was watching from inside. after it was done m...
at christina’s tour, but also jeffree star was there, and then timothée chalamet and natalie dyker found out about what he was actually doing with the t...
Was in school Part Time job extra time vest of knowledge