I had a dream she kissed me and I loved every bit of it. I had a dream she pulled me close and made me small and wrapped my entirety up in love. She kis...
I walked into a bathroom somewhere and I heard trixie say “oh honeyyyy” So I recognized her immediately giggling with Katya in some weird shower area. ...
I had a dream cam and I were like. Hanging out around palayes bus but like a little ways down. And this Uber comes with Emerson in it- so I stop him and...
- yelled at DJ about his kids. So much that my voice hurt. Told him that he needed to get his shit together for his kids. That he had no idea how much I...
I found Sebastian’s grave in 1950. It was in this weird decrepit hut with water and pipes. I knew it was him. Just before he reincarnated. In real life...
Emerson and Remington and Sebastian. Emerson showed me a meme video and asked cam and I to watch the rest of a movie with him and Remington. It was a re...
Grave yard. I’m trying to sleep. There are y’all trees and iron fences. Is near the weird book store from my dream earlier today. I’m in 711 it’s dark....
At some sort of a show, lain and I got to sit real close- like on stage. When the concert was done, Pete gave me a large hug and didn’t let me go.
So lain and I went to fall out boy. I kept getting increasingly drunk. The drinks were free and you had to get in a line for them. So anyways. We sit d...
I had a dream I met Remington and Sebastian in both a mall/hotel. Remington was wearing his Sid jacket or whomever and it was cool. He had? Mannequin ar...
I had a dream that on the way to some city to watch palaye play, we picked up some hitch hikers and it was water parks. It takes me a while but I realiz...
I had a dream I was kissing and dating Emerson but it was really just Jonathan/cam/anyone else. I met a lot of people in this dream. I had a dream I wa...
This one was also morbid? I don’t know why my past two dreams have had dealt disturbing detail but I was helping this girl I knew through her mother hav...
Idk what the clusterfuck happened Basically I had a dream I was ACTUALLY being catfishes by Pete and patrick? From fall out boy? So anyways I end up at...