Had a dream i was in new york but also sweden because new york was REALLY close to sweden. So there's this lil island/peninsula where ppl like to sit an...
i had a dream I was driving my car down a road. There was a truck in front of me, driving annoyingly, so i passed them up, made a face, and flipped them...
I had a dream i got some virus (not AIDS!) and it caused my immune system to be weakened forever. It sucked. I had to put my shirt over my mouth to avoi...
So i had a dream i was pregnant. I was a surrogate for the baby. But i did NOT want to be pregnant, so i think my impregnation was an accident. Anyways,...
I had a dream that my friend moved (she's in college irl rn) and wherever she moved too outside was TONS of river streams and nice clean air. The sun wa...
I had several dreams last night that dont connect whatsoever so i'm just gonna write em seperately Last night, i had a dream i was at some event and i ...