I was sleep on the floor of grams old apartment on edgewood avenue. some guy & girl was on the couch. it was day time. everyone begin to wake up. I was ...
I was dating someone new. I want to say it was Mina Marlo. I remeber her eyes being big and her being well dressed. she was really into me. caprice was ...
I recall negotiating with someone who wouldn't adhere to my offer, not sure what was my offer or who I was attempting to save, I slit my wrist to let th...
can't remember exactly where I was or who I had to perform Reiki on. I think it may have actually been a thing not a person 🤔 there were on lookers. th...
there was a party/gathering going on. things got out of hand where I was forced to shoot the dj in the head and send everyone home. 😮
I was living somewhere and I had to pack everything that was important to me in one or 2 Bags. I had a whole closet of belongings to sort thru. it was e...
I was with ernie, we were outside a house. we see hulk hogan come flying by. we start to run into the house and lock the door. we go up some steps that ...
this is the second dream of natureboy. this time had the opportunity to converse longer. forgot what we talked about, yet we laughed and shook hands. it...
It's dark and gloomy. I'm alone. I feel like there is someone outside my door. I look thru the window. I see no one. I still feel a presence. I make sur...
5 pounds for $5 ernie and I think Scott was there. I interrupted them to show them the big bag of rice for $5. explaining how good it is to buy in bulk...
I walk in my room and realize I'm dreaming. I see myself. I walk up close to look at the details of my physical makeup. the dream me was not concerned a...