Sometimes dreams affect my daily life more than reality does. I swear my dream will determine my mood for the day. I typically have pretty emotionally d...
Last night I dreamed a chicken was eating teeth off the ground, in an otherwise all black surface. Oh where does my mind get these things
Once in a while I dream about a man I loved.. he shows up in the same dream as the other people in my life who have passed on.... always a motel looking...
I dreamed I was with two kind of oblivious police and we found an abandoned car on the side of the road. Seemed like it was In the desert, like Lucerne ...
Before I go to sleep if I have a lot on my mind I like to fall asleep while imagining that I am in a forest. I can see in front of me dark tall trees an...
Last night I dreamed that my dad was this young goth rockstar guy. I somehow knew that he was my real dad and that my actual dad was not. I knew goth da...
I was in my mothers house but the inside was different, like a spooky but expensive mansion. At first I found myself to have telechinetic powers but the...